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Where are all the Step Dads?

Just Dad 2's picture

Good evening. Just a question? Where are the Step Dads? I am a SD to a wonderful 20 YO woman who is a junior in college. I can't imagine my life without her. I have 2 daughters of my own and a son of my own.

I divorced after 12 years of marriage to my first wife and recieved custody of the kids. My reason for ranting here is to provide some hope to those who are struggling. It wasn't easy at first, but with alot ( and I stress alot here ) of patience, love and understanding the blended family meshed and learned to love each other. I now have 2 daughters married living on thier own, my son out on his own and my stepdaughter in college living in a house of her own. LIFE IS GREAT!!!!! But I wouldn't change the struggle one bit. I love being a father, step father, husband, the whole package. If I can be of help to anyone, just let me know. To coin the phrase, I have been there done that, bought not only the T shirt, but the whole damn wardrobe!!!!!


Just Dad 2's picture

My step baby was only 6 when I stepped in as her dad. She is a beautiful intelligent woman now in medical school. It wasn't easy, but it was well worth it!!!

Just Dad 2's picture

I can share with you some good news. It will all end soon. Soon, she will finish growing up, the hormones will all settle downa and she will realize what a little brat she has been. She will then realize everything you have done for her when she was younger and come to depend on you for your advice and wisdom. It will happen. Patience is a virtue that we really don't realize we have until it shows itself.


Quyjye's picture

Just Dad 2 I hope you are correct. I am in the same boat as neverends. Except I have a SS17 and DW caters to him like he is a God. It's sickening. I have put up with him and his ways for 7 years now. Even though my DW and I don't always see eye to eye I still love her too much to make things worst. So I sit by and watch and only intervene when I have to. She let's him get away with way too much and he use to disrespects her all the time. I put an end to that after I couldnt' take it any any more. He still doesn't talk to her like she is his mother and she let's him. When I am around he watches how he talks to her and he won't do his little tantram in front of me. I don't really get directly involved with raising him but I do indirectly. I do set the rules on the house and inforce them. Any way SS17 is getting ready for college and MoM is doing all the applications and research for him. SS17 and his Dad do not get along too good and SS17 is living with us. BF really doesn't contribute financial since SS17 started living with us and SS17 won't ask BF for any $$$ for anything(pocket $$, haircuts, clothes, what ever). I don't get involved with that, when SS17 needs something DW or I usually will pay for it. BF started a college account for SS when he was like 2 years old, well now that SS17 wants no part of his Dad. Guess what?? BF is going to withdraw the $$$$ for himself and that leaves SS17's college education up to DW and myself. I wasn't ready for that one. I don't think it has hit me yet, not sure if I want to spend $$$$$$$$$$$$$ on SS17 when he won't appreciate it. He is very demanding and wants to go to a college that maybe is too much for us to handle. He has been taking A P classes every since he started High School and gets all A's. That is about the only thing I can say that he does that is acceptable. I will give him that. Kinda like a Beautiful Hot Sexy woman that will make your head turn or something else but then has this snooty piss poor attitude and won't even give you the time of the day. I think you get what I mean. So I am thinking do I contribute to his college education where it might break us or do I just tell DW that you are on your own and ruin the great relationship that DW and I have now? He will be able to go to college but just not the one he wants to.

veterman's picture

I also have a great relationship with my stepdaughter. It was a pretty easy fit since bio dad was out of the picture and I came around before she was 2 years old. It is becoming more complicated now since he started wanting custody, but the bond is gonna stick I think. She misses me and he tries to alienate me which just makes her miss me more. I hope he figures it out before he ruins it for himself in the long run...

Rags's picture

I have been dad to my SS-18 since he was 1yo. He is my son and an only child in our home. He is the oldest of 4 out-of-wedlock spawn in SpermDad's brood.

My wife was never married to the SpermIdiot and was a single teen mom to our son when she was 16. We met in college the last semester of my 11yr undergrad career and her first semester out of HS.

We began dating three years after my divorce was final from my XW after XW ran off with her geriatric fortune 500 executive sugar daddy. No kids in my half of my marriage.

SS is actually a good kid and we have had few issues beyond some significant though not unusual teen boy cranio-rectitis flare ups.

Stepguy's picture

This is an amazingly refreshing thread. I am new to this site, and as I was browsing I noticed a majority of the posts are so negative and dare I say...whiny? Sorry if I insulted anyone, but it's just the impression I get.

Anyway, it's refreshing to see success stories, and I hope it works out the same for me...

I hope I get the lingo right...

DW is BM and I have SS16, SS15, and twin SD9. The household is a well oiled machine where DW is the is nurturing with an amazing amount of structure and consistency. I just get annoyed at the teens because they display what is I suppose typical teenage behaviour...attitude, laziness, etc. I so want to open my mouth and scream at them, but I don't out of respect for DW. (BD is anything but a man, so their "male role model" is that of equal laziness, narcissism, and entitlement.)

It is frustrating, and I don't want to bore, but thanks for posting something positive, and it does give me hope. I love DW, and I don't want to compromise our relationship because of my feelings toward her sons.

P.S. Her daughters are the sweetest things and we get along great!

Stepguy's picture

Thanks for the advice. I'll probably be whining soon, too. Today just happens to be a good day (so far). I'm new at all this and I appreciate your patience.

Unhappy's picture

I really appreciated you blog. I am a soon to be SM to a little boy(3) and a little girl(6). I have my own BD(6).

I'm sure that I will be attacked for posting this, but sometimes when I come her to vent about something most of the responses I get are to get out. I have met the man of my life. He listens to me. He tries to work on things when I bring it up, gives me all the attention I can handle, and loves me. There is no way that I would leave this guy ever. He is my soul mate. I can understand if the drama is coming from every direction. But not on an issue that can be talked about and resolved. Don't get me wrong. I have whined on this site, and some of the advise I get is great and heartfelt.

I just wanted to say thank you for reminding me that the things I want most in life are never easy to get. It they were, I wouldn't appreciate them so much.