What is expected
Ok from a man's perspective what is it that the DH expect from the SM when it comes to the DH's adult daughters (18 & 21) what are the boundaries of SM? I am very new to all this so please keep that in mind and excuse my ignorance...I am myself divorced with a grown son who has a healthy relationship with his BF, SM and his 1/2 siblings as I do as well...I could be jumping the gun but just want to educate myself on boundaries, expectation etc...so as to try and not make mistakes or cause problems.
they are his daughters . they
they are his daughters . they are adults that you will need to have a relationship with as long as you are with their dad . your husband will need to set clear expectations on them , and on you , and most importantly on himself in the new family dynamic . you are his partner . you are staying . they are his kids . they are going . you will all presumeably be in each other lives for a long time . communicate , respect , and remove yourself when necessary . above all treat them as you would want the sm to treat your son .