Need some advice
I’ve been with my partner now for nearly 2years. When I met him he wasn’t really boyfriend material. He drank, womanised you name it, his ex wife let him get away with his bad behaviour and he it felt it was acceptable. Needless to say I wasn’t going to tolerate it, so when he acted less then a gentleman, I would pull him up and state if that is how he wants to act then it was pointless having a relationship. I knew deep down he was a really good guy. The first year we paid our own ways an arrangement I was happy with at the time because he was sorting his stuff out. Then he left his job. He had been working for his brother-in-law but had been duped from the start and in effect they were supposed to be business partners. Long story short… they were taking advantage of him because at the time it was funding his addictions and they knew it. Same as his ex wife as long as he was plied up she would just help herself to the money. Eventually she kicked him out for the hundredth time he started to clean up his act she wanted him back but he was ready to move on.
Then he met me…
So a year down the track his left his job, she’s know doing the PAS thing and is bitter and twisted, he gets to see his children every 2nd week .Now 2 years on his cleaned up his act so much and is a great guy but his suffering big time with his confidence and depression. Now where both on benefits, I receive more then him but we always have little to spare. I’m working towards a career, his uncertain what he wants to do now.
My problem is he wants to put money aside every fortnight for his two boys and my daughter. Its just a small amount but its money that were already struggling with. I get that maybe he feels he doesn’t play much of a role in his boys life and this is his way of being involved and in fairness this money will be spent on clothes, birthday presents etc and the rest will be the children’s savings. The issue I have is trust, I guess. I worry that he maybe comfortable with this lifestyle…No pressures of work or child support because were on benefits, but I know his bored and wants to do something but doesn’t know what. So what do I do!!! I know if this was the other way around, I guess he would support me that’s usually what most men do!!! I don’t know if I’m just an easy target because I kind of came of my marriage with a car etc , he came out of his marriage with the clothes on his back.
Please if anyone can shed some light on this it would be appreciated.
This guys a loser. Don't put
This guys a loser. Don't put one penny under his control. Support you? I doubt it very much. He's got a soft spot now, enough money coming in and you doing all the household work and now he wants to siphon some of your loose change away. Next it'll be folding money he wants.
Do you have a sister? Is she as easy a mark as you? Can I get an introduction? You THINK he'll support you - hell he's not even supporting his kid. Thanks to working citizens he's got a cushy life all mapped out and as long as you're doing the work .... well life is easy.
I think you're addled or desperate. RUN. NOW.