Do I tell my wife my real feelings about her son?
Hello all,
Im in my early 40s married my wife when her son from x was about 2. Now he is 9 and we have three beautiful girls together...5, 2 and 2.
I never really felt real love for my ss and after the birth of my first girl it has gone downhill since. He is generally a decent kid. He's a quitter like his dad and likes to take advantage of his 5 yo sister all the time...he was raised in front of the TV for about 6 to 8 hours a day for his first 4 years so imo that is why he has no ability to play make believe, pretend, no imagination....just wants to either do something hyper or sit around like a bump on a log. Like i said, generally a decent kid but not mine and doesnt have the traits or interests that my girl has and her little sisters will have. Without going into details this is at the heart of why I dont really care about him too much. Besides that, his dad is a loser always quitting his job, not paying his x her support and we take on the majority of support for my ss.
My wife likes to live in a fantasy world as if she did not have a previous husband and her son is not a step son to me and I should love and care and have feelings for him just like I do my girls. She instructed him to call me dad from a young age.
Its a major fight if i discipline the ss in any way or even so much as ask him to do something like make his bed. Its perfectly ok for me to do this with my daughter of course. All hell would break loose if I actually admitted that i care a LOT less for the stepson than my own bio children. So, am I to just go through life hiding these feelings ?
I love my wife and daughters to death but christ if I had to do it all over again I would Never ever ever marry someone with kids and an xh.
I agree with Cheri on this
I agree with Cheri on this one.
One thing that has me confused is that she wants you to be "Dad" and she wants the child to call you Dad but will not allow you to correct the child even to the point of telling him to make up his bed. :?
Great points. Im shutting
Great points. Im shutting the fark up and living with it. I've read a lot worse problems around here.
Tell her if the boy is going
Tell her if the boy is going to call you dad, you should have all the rights and priveleges of a father which includes discipline. If she disagrees, then tell her that he's her son then, he's her problem. You'll take care of the girls but the boy is not your concern except when he affects your daughters.
^^^^ THIS.
I agree with the posters who
I agree with the posters who say that your wife is trying to get you to replace her son's father. Like the others have said, I would keep your feelings about your SS to yourself. Maybe the reason you feel the way you do about your SS is because you resent the fact that his father is not there to handle his responsibilities, i.e. CS.
You don't have to love your SS, but maybe in time you can care for him, the way you would a nephew, or the child of one of your friends.
It's interesting to note that one of the reasons you don't like your SS is because you say he has no imagination and all he does is watch TV all day. Hmmmmm, who was it that sat him down in front of the TV all day? The same woman you choose to have children with.
Maybe if you stop trying to see the father's traits in your SS and start trying to see some of your wife's traits in him, you might actually be able to enjoy him a little more. Also, you and your SS have something in common that you will not have with your daughters - baseball, football, soccer, woodwork, auto mechanics, motorbikes, fishing, camping, etc. etc. - get the picture?
It's not too late to start developing a relationship with a boy that just might benefit from a male role model.
Don't tell. Military school
Don't tell. Military school - whip his ass into shape.
Even I have never come out
Even I have never come out and told DH that I don't like his son. I don't hate him but he's just a pathetic drunk bum. What's to like?
All DH has said is that he wants to be "accepted". I have no clue what that means and haven't bothered to ask. I do not forbid him to come over - but I don't invite him either.
If DH ever pushed me about how I felt I would never claim to have feelings for him. SS (drunk one night) wanted to talk to me and tell me that he loved me. I sort of mumbled I love you back - but I sure did not mean it. Sort of like when some old aunt that you don't know says I love you and you just parrot it back.
What have you done over the
What have you done over the past seven years to help him be a different person? All I see is putting the sins of his father on the kid. Not HIS fault your wife chose a loser to be his Dad. That is on HER.
Of course, you *could* snag kiddo and involve him in stuff that interests you. You might find he's actually interested. But has felt your hatred of him. He's 9. He has had you in his life for 7 years. What have you done to make him feel welcome in your life?
And frankly? You have NO idea what your 2yo princesses will be interested in. You don't get to dictate that. Whatever you expect of them? I can almost guarantee that at least one will knock you for a loop.
Please don't compare the
Please don't compare the little boy to his "loser" father. He probably will have some traits, but most traits can become a positive or negative. You could greatly influence him at this stage of his life. Try training your mind to see this child with compassion- as one who only knows you as his father. Fathers are important. Your behavior will have a greater imjpact on how he turns out than his biological father. Don't prejudge him. Be his father-you can do this with kindness whethter you love him or not and actually grow to love him, but you will poison your own heart against him if you keep comparing him and picking apart his habits. You could be his hero or you could turn him against you and make all your lives living hell in a few years. Kids are very intuitive and sensitive so try to discipline your thoughts and become more positive towards him.
meegwell, I am struggling
meegwell, I am struggling with this issue as well except I have 2 stepsons. I entered their lives early and tried to be a father to them, but their interests and mine just did not converge. I saw them as the by product of their father and not mine so that has not helped the situation. It's really become a huge issue in my relationship with my wife. She constantly brings up the point that I do everything for their physical needs food, school and after school activities, but that I do not give them emotional support and treat them coldly. I admit I do not love my stepkids. I find them annoying at times and bearable others. I do not abuse them in anyway, I just don't interact with them that much. They're obedient kids, but they're not from me so they don't have any of my traits or interests which has made me indifferent to them.
Just something to consider -
Just something to consider - your own kids may not share your traits or interests, either. How will you handle that?
I think you should tell your
I think you should tell your wife how you feel!! IF SS is a pain in the ass now, and nothing in general is done, he will turn into a giant piece of crap and will blame you guys for not raising him. I think everyone who touches a kids life is supposed to help them not turn out like crap, I don't see your job as helping kids get through life... it's about setting them up to be great. IF SS needs his bed made... tell him what to do, the same way you would tell your girls! Who cares if ss or your wife gets mad, you are protecting him from becoming a loser! IF your wife and SS lived with his father, sounds like SS would be heading straight for the un-emplyment line, at least this way he stands a chance with you. Show him how to be, tell your wife you only want him to turn into a great man, she will respect your honesty, maybe not right away, but she will respect your for helping turn her son into something great!~
Too many people let their kids get away with everything, and it takes someone to break the cycle.
I suppose I sit the fence on
I suppose I sit the fence on this one. I have no biokids. I have raised SS-20 as my own since he was 1yo. His SpermIdiot is a worthless POS who has never paid a penny in CS though SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa paid every penny owed under DickHead's CS order.
I do love him as my own and would hope that if my wife and I had spawned a kid or two together I would still love the Skid as my own. Adoptive parents do it so I suppose Sparents can do it too though adoptive parents are not generally saddled with having to deal with the reinforcement of the toxic portions of their children's gene pool by regular visits with the genetic cess pool. In adoptive families nurture can overcome nature more readily because the bioparents have little to no contact with the child.
However, I also get how you dispise the traits that your SS picked up from the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool. On many occassions I have struggled with those same feelings towards my SS.
I will encourage that you continue to be dad to your SS. If he turns out like my son (SS) he will eventually recognize that you are the only true father he has ever had and he will be far more like you than his SpermIdiot. My SS at 20 has accomplished more to become a viable adult of character and honor than his entire SpermClan combined. He has completed 2yrs of a 6yr USAF enlistment, is halfway through his BSCS and does not need his mommy (or I) to support him. Unlike his SpermIdiot who is 43, lives in his mommy and daddy's rental property rent free while SpermGrandMa and SpermGrandPa raise his younger three also out of wedlock spawn by two other baby mamas in their home with no help from DipShit.
Of course you can not love your son (SS) just as you love your three girls. You do not love all three of your girls exactly the same either. Every kid is different and each kid is parented differently even in intact initial families. My own parents treated my two younger brothers different than they treated me. I am their oldest. In many ways my mom and dad and I grew up together. They have told me many times over the years that I taught them how to parent and my younger bro's owe me an eternal debt of gratitude for being mom and dad's lab rat of parenting.
I do not believe that my parents love my brothers any more than they love me, or me any more than they love the younger two. However, we do have different relationships because we are different people.
I think if you realize this you may find it easier to give your SS what he needs which is different than what your DD's need.
With my SS, it took me a while to realize that it was not the kid that I detested but the behaviors he inherited from his SpermClan. Once I realized that, I could hate the behavior and still love the kid. Though it was a closely run thing upon occassion.
Good luck.