
swordless samurai77's picture

Does anyone else sometimes or i should say most of the time dread being around their stepchild? I have known my daughter since she was 3 and she's 10 now. I can't stand her anymore, i feel that sounds terrible but it's true, and im not sure what to do about it, i don't like it when mom is not around, my daughter and i tend to stay in separate parts of the house, we've even texted each other while in the house instead of talking, that's not right. am i being more harmful to her by being annoyed with her all the time? or should i think about leaving the situation, maybe it would hurt at first but then maybe it would get better. all i know is that i'm constantly annoyed with everything that has to do with her. homework, attitude, friends coming over, losing her stuff, the way she shrugs her shoulders at everything, i don't want to do anything with her anymore, is this normal or is this me telling myself that this relationship is over?

Quyjye's picture

swordless samurai77:
you are not alone. I feel the same way. It's going to get worst before it gets better.

Ryleysmama's picture

My SD is 16 mos old and my guts literally roll when i know she's coming. especially to spend the night. I know she's young but MY GOD, they are turning her into a whiny little princess. She will scream to the point of vomitting over NOTHING. FDH yells at me to TREAT HER LIKE YOU TREAT OUR SON AND LOVE HER THE SAME. Well im sorry but thats goddamn impossible when our son is actually one of the happiest cutest babies on the planet and SD gets to do whatever she wants when she wants but OUR 7mo old is held to higher standards than the almost 2 year old! I'm expected to love her like my own child yet cant' discipline her or say no to her in anyway. IDK what to do anymore.