SD leaving with SGD
It has been so horrible dealing with the police and CPS when it comes to my SS. The only good thing was that my SD moved back in with us a few months ago and brought my SGD. I have always loved my SGD I have been there for her from the beginning but I almost rarley got to see her once the SD moved out. It usually was only when I was the only one who could babysit her. Having my SGD living with me at times has sometimes been really my only joy. My SGD see's me has her grandparent she even calls me her grandpa nobody corrects or tells her that I am not. It just pains me that likely when she is gone I'll almost never be allowed to see her. When my SD lived away I would at times get phone calls because my SGD wanted to talk to me. She would be so sad that she hasn't seen me and it would break my heart. It wasn't for a lack of trying on my part not to see her but there would always be an excuse why I could not see her unless my SD wanted to go out and had no other choice. I feel like my SD probably doesn't see my as her daughters grandpa but since she clearly loves me so much and her bio grandfather isn't around she lets it stand. I'm going to be so devestated when she leaves and I cry at night thinking about it. I just don't have anything I can do.
Very sad
You sound like a person with a lot of love to give. Sigh. Try to stay strong, you know your SD will continue to call when she needs a sitter so you'll still have contact. Keep being that stable man in the family, sir.
I get missing loved ones.
However, this is far from a healthy situation. GPs generally do not have their GKs living with them.
TIme to do some normalization of your feelings and get yourself on solid emotional ground. You are not doing your Gskid any good by being distraught over her and her mom going to be a nuclear family.
IMHO of course.