Nightmare come true
Where do I star? :?
My stepson moved with us in January, where we lived in a different house at the time and he attended a different school. In the first school, he was acting out so much, we were visiting the school almost daily. He told the teacher, that if she did not let him go to the bathroom now, he was going to get her fired. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Now, we stayed in that house until the school year ended while putting up with him just to make it through. When school ended, I immediately shipped off to his mothers the next day for the summer. Whew! was I relieved. Now, my 5 year old daughter was at peace, hell, we all were, not to mention right before he left, he touched my daughter....Yes, sexually in her private and she told us. He was punished and reinforced not to do this EVER again. Of course I was pissed as all hell.
Lovely September, Trees changing color, cool breeze arriving, and time for a last minute trip with my family to Ocean City, MD. Yes, he went. Had fits in the carnival because he could not get on the roller coaster or bumper cars, he was not tall enough. Anyways, we are in a new house, away from the city where the schools are very nice and disciplined, I was sure he would change. Boy was I wrong. Since he been there, he has been disruptive as possible, even achieving at punching a girl in the arm right after she received a flu shot. Of course we are disciplining him for all of this, I mean this boy doesn't have a t.v or a toy because his father taken everything away hoping to slowly give it back, but not yet has he done right.
Now, this is the most sickening yet that happened. Today, I was sleep,and awoken to my daughter saying penis in a mouth. I jumped up, and called both of them in and asked what is going on. My daughter said, he put his penis in my mouth. Now, this is a five year old and I asked her did she tell. She told her father and her punished him and went back to playing his game(whole different story there) Th SS was still out in the same room with my Daughter alone with my SS. I WAS NOT INFORMED BY HUBBY NOR DID MY BABY TELL ME.But, I did not tell my baby to tell me too so I understand why she didn't I told her today though/ So, I feel furious and am currently awaiting for hubby to come home and ask questions. Right now, i WAS MY ss OUT! He needs help! I need help! We all need help! all because of this nightmare come true.....HELP! :jawdrop:
I dont mean to be harsh but
I dont mean to be harsh but you took him back the first time?!!!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :sick:
ONCE would be all it would take to toss his arse out of my house, your responsibility is to protect your child and get help for your ss. That means preventing him from hurting your child and posing a threat to other kids too. This is a deeper set issue than him throwing a paddy or being spoilt, and disciplining/punishing him will not root this urge out of him!!!
How old is ss?
I wouldnt be waiting for hubby to come home. I would be on the phone demanding he return immediately and ringing the family doctor to assess your 5 year old!
I appreciate this is going to be an extremely difficult situation for your DH to manage, as this boy is his child too, but the moral responsibility is to shield dd5 from this predator and get the support and hopefully rehabilitation for ss while he lives elsewhere permanantly!
He has sexually molested dd (what will he do next? Rape her?), he may have been molested himself (and that needs to be established) but first things first, if DH refuses to do the above he would be moving out with ss too immediately.
Someone put thier penis in
Someone put thier penis in your daughter's mouth and you're still under the same roof? Wow. Just wow. You do know, if she tells another adult and they report it, she will be taken away from you? That alone should get you up and the eff out of there.
Why are you allowing him
Why are you allowing him around your child!!! Call ACS. Get your daughter our of that house.
Call ACS.
Just an FYI - YOU can be held
Just an FYI - YOU can be held liable for your SS's actions with your daughter and stand to lose her. It is called child endangerment. If you know of a dangerous situation and do not take immediate action they can and will take your child. You need to get your daughter to a counselor ASAP. Your ss needs to get to a counselor ASAP. You need to get ss out of your house immediately. The counselor can advise you as to whatever other steps need to be taken. That might include calling child protective services (or whatever it is called where you live). As hard as that might be, you could LOSE your daughter if you don't act immediately.
So so so sorry that you are going through this.
You're right. All the
You're right. All the mothers I know would have beat the crap out of SS the first time.
How old is your SS? This is
How old is your SS? This is not right/normal. Did you guys try to take him to some sort of counselor or anything? Usually kids don't just do this kind of sick shit unless someone is sexually abusing them or they see those things being done.