15 month old having major fits
:? i know this is for step parent but i dont know where else to turn i Need advice my 15 month old is having major fits high pitched screaming till he throws up he does this when i put him in bed& in the middle of the night i tried letting him cry it out but he gets louder the neighbors prob hear him he even throws these fits in the middle of the day idk what to do any advice
ive tried rubbing his back rubbing his stomach rocking him hum ing to him turnimg a night light the only i get him to calm down is holding him and sometimes letting him lay next to me but i dont want to keep doing that and start a habbit i cant get him out of please help oh and ive tried diff types of music all has failed he just gets even louder to where you get a migrane and he throws up and continues to scream
and its not because i took him off the bottle cause hes been off of it for for about 4 or 5 months now it was his choice im just afraid he will hurt himself with these fits or whatever they are called give him a warm bath before bed read to him before he goes to bed SOMEONE PLEASE HELP im beginning to wonder if he needs to goto a sleep specalist
Have you discussed this with
Have you discussed this with his Dr/Pediatrician? It doesn't sound like a bad temper because usually you can calm an olde rchild down.
My GD had a milk allergy as a baby and she screamed everytime you lay her down.
She was actually in a great deal of pain. Then she would throw up and then it would all start again.
Please take the wee lad to his Dr tomorrow. SOmething other than a tantrum is doing this if he is happy during the day and only does this at night.
im going to call the dr
im going to call the dr tomarrow just hope i can get a ride
I agree, take him to a
I agree, take him to a paediatrician to be checked out. My daughter had a similar problem. She was put on a mild anti-histamine and she eventually outgrew the night screams and bedtime blues. She now sleeps very soundly (she is 11 y/o)but does still suffer with allergies, so perhaps it was a blocked nose and she couldn't breathe.
I received a lot of bashing for giving her meds, but it was either that or I lose my sanity (exH would not even hear her at night, either that or he didn't care!)
Good luck