When I can't prove anything...
Hey, this is my first post here. I could really use some help. I am married to my husband for 6 months now, together 14 months, known each other/ been good friends for going on 6 years. I have a 5 yr old SS. His mother is the worst kind of manipulator/ crazy. She is diagnosed Bipolar, and unmedicated/treated, in May we had to file for custody when my SS witnessed an assault in his mother's home. She was on drugs, my SS talked about seeing her do hallucinogenic mushrooms, cocaine, weed, (Though my opinion on weed is IDC it makes her calmer.) Anyways, she seemed to really clean up after custody was filed with the courts, the sores on her face disappeared, she decided to be nice to me and stop telling her son I beat him as an infant (SERIOUSLY??), started school, and got a job. It wasn't long before my SS was a whole different and happier child. He used to be creul to me. Last week the judge signed our agreement. We decided to not go for sole and agreed to 50/50 joint custody. Too bad in the last few weeks her sores have returned and my SS has been a terror once again. And, now has picked up self-harm type behaviors for example biting himself and screaming he hates himself, when he was told he had to say Thank you to get his candy. But, now the custody is set in stone, and no matter how much I know in my gut she is back on drugs, the worker I talked to at DHS said I don't have enough to get her drug tested. What do I do? This BM is crazy!!!! And, if it wasn't bad enough my SS had to deal with her unstable mental/emotional states, he is now hurting himself. What do I do?? I do have an appt set up for a therapist, but won't be seen until mid-January. What do I do? It tears me apart to give him back every week knowing what he is going home to.
he is hurting himself? then
he is hurting himself? then GET HELP IMMEDIATELY for him. dont wait for a therapist. he is 5 and should be a happy CHILD. not deal with the abuse at his mothers home. call Child Services on her. they will go their immediately and take him if they think he is in danger
In addition to what Trinks
In addition to what Trinks said I think the kid is being drugged. Deliberately or accidentially doesn't matter. The next time you have him take him for a full drug screen blood test.
The skin sores are a common side effect of using meth aka ice, crystal and speed. A cheap locally made drug its almost impossible to get rid of the habit. Eventually she will lose her teeth to it and by eventually I'm talking months or a year or two - not decades. Heated and the vapor inhaled it can easily be inhaled by others in the house. His behavoir fits in with this drug use.
Good luck. Lots of times the
Good luck. Lots of times the mantra is "keep the kids with mommy" no matter what. This stuff is hard to prove. My SD and SS are living with a woman addicted to pills who has done a bunch of things that just aren't enough to have the kids taken away. Furthermore, I'm not sure I want them full time. Love them, but I'm just not sure I want to give up so much of my freedom. I know that sounds horrible. Obviously, we keep an eye out. If we can find her doing something reportable or prove anything, or if the situation seems like it's escalating to more danger for them, we'll have to do something to get them out of there. But it will be a long drawn out thing, and I know Children and Youth Services will find a different woman at the door than the one we deal with. She is good at pulling it together for appearances sake.