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She is ruining my LIFE!

devinamaria's picture

I am not TECHNICALLY a step parent, but I live with my boyfriend who has custody of his son. His mother is driving me crazy. She does everything in her power to turn the kids against me. They have split custody, she has the daughter, he has the son. The reason for this, is she cannot handle her son. He is mentally disabled and because proper actions were not taken he is sorely underdeveloped and extremely undisciplined. He throws fits like a toddler only he is 13. He hits, bites, etc. At least he hits, bites etc I laid the law the first time he raised his fist. Now, he doesn't try me.

Now as for the life ruining...she turns her children against me. At least she tries. They both love me very much and I love them more. Their father works nights, so they are with me quite a bit. I make sure they are fed, clean and have fun. Because, and I am assuming, her jealousy of me is so great she will purposely, make snide comments about me and my boyfriend. We actually had it out once when she said "You must have inherited a fortune from your mother. But, knowing you, you probably made sure of that" IN FRONT OF HER CHILDREN. I calmly asked them to go inside and told her exactly what I thought of her. I do not expect this woman to be my BFF but come on.

She also is now trying to sue for child support. Now we live in MS which is an income based state. He makes less than her. She is threatening all sorts of crazy things if he doesn't give in, I have tried to tell him they are hollow, she cannot do most of the things she threatens and the others would make her look crazy.

He bends to her every will, if she wants to change visitation, he says ok. If he even asks she says she will take him to court for violation of the custody/visitation agreement. She will purposely drop her daughter off late and pick her up late when we have plans. It is becoming unbearable. It is straining us both and stressing us out. I am at my wits in. I don't wanna give in a walk away, that is what she wants, but I don't know what else to do. HELP???

shielded2009's picture


I don't think you CAN do anything until your SO zips his balls on and lays down the boundaries for BM... way in the world I'd be subjecting myself to SO or BM and how he's NOT taking a stand and how she's overstepping her boundaries...

Your best bet is to figure out why he's so scared...and to help him see that she can't have the power over him...Until that happens, IMO you're stuck...(unless you just leave)...

Arguing with the BM is asinine and level I wouldn't stoop to, actually...

devinamaria's picture

And normally I would not argue but taking a jab at my dead mother is line that if you cross I will hand your butt to you in an ashtray. I did not call names, I simply told her that only a miserable person would let their children hear the things she does and at some point they would grow up and see her for what she was, just like I did with my dad.