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I want to give up!! This CRAZY BM is ruining my life!!!!!

RosieJosie's picture

I could list all of the horrible things BM has done. I could quote some of these passages she wrote about hurting herself when she was pregnant. I could write about her drug abuse or neglect to my SD2. However I just want to know if anyone has had a successful step parent adoption. I need to protect my daughter, but I am afraid that this woman is too good a liar and manipulator to bring to court. I know I need to prove prolonged mental health problems and chronic drug abuse. I just don't want to lose my daughter to this person who plays the victim so well. What do I do? My DH and I are too afraid to confront her about her lack of parenting (she has thrown a tantrum in the middle of disneyland which included punching herself in the face in front of her mother in law). I need to revoke her parenting rights but I do not want to risk her getting any more custody than we let her have now. I just wish I knew how to let my daughter know her mother without knowing her mother is an adulterous whore that marries men for money and moves on to the next. This is going to be her third fiance! I am trying to protect my baby! PLEASE HELP!!!

sy78's picture

Absolutely talk with an attorney that focuses on what you are looking to do. In the meantime, document,document,document. Find out what your laws are where you live regarding videotaping exchanges. Get people that bare witness to these tantrums to agree to testify if able to. A great book divorce poison by richard warshak may help you when it comes to speak to SD about her BM. Knowing her BM is a "W**re" isn't anything she needs to know about. This would in no way assist her in her healthy development. Nor any other misdeeds that BM does. Explaining (if needed to answer a child's question) regarding the revolving amount of men in her BM life I'm sure could be explained without casting your own feelings about her into it. Remember they child sees thinks from a way different viewpoint then us.
I do not spout about the greatness that is BM to my BF daughter but I don't vent and talk badly about her whether it's the truth or not. Kids are smart and they see who is there and who isn't. I wish you the best of luck with the courts and with your family.