I know it’s petty
My sc bio mum is constantly on fb sharing things about her "ill" child. She could be ill but most of the stuff she puts on are exaggerated to the extreme that I know aren't true at all. So decided to fact find about munchausen by proxy and found an article regarding a woman who exaggerated her child's illness online and had her child removed from her care. Put it on my own Facebook to see if she would delete her lies if she thinks she could have sc taken away. I know it's petty but I can't stand the constant lies about a child I know is none of the things she's talking about. She wants to pay (dh and her go halves) for a test over £1000 to check for something she's already been told the child doesn't have seems ridiculous. Most of her posts are attention seeking posts most relate to autism but some are re dead relatives and how sad she is about it.
The idiots who live on social
The idiots who live on social media to mine for sympathy make me wanna puke.
My SIL is one of these as is my DW's cousin. I have to very careful in how I exkress my opinion on these two when my DW brings them up in conversation.
4 days ago
It's so infuriating you know they're doing it for attention but you can't actually call them out on it because then your in the dog house. My sd9 was covered in muck the other day after spending a good few hours at skate park (understandably so) she was told to get washed a fair few times but decided not to for whatever reason. Then her mother shared some post about different ways autism presents itself one of those was about becoming overly upset if their hands or faces are dirty. On the post she wrote this here is 100% sd9. There were other things on the post that aren't true too but as she was covered in muck and totally happy about it 4 days ago seems a bit of a p*ss take.