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Right now my bf is on his way to a just made appointment with a psychologist to get a psychological evaluation. He was supposed to go to court today regarding his ex's request for a psych eval, or that he have supervised visitation until he get one. So he is going to go ahead and get one to shut her the f*ck up. A little history...

She went after supervised visitation 2 years ago in the original divorce proceedings, and the limited case manager ok'd him for regular, eow, every Tues visitation. He could not have them overnight until he had a place big enough/ a bed for each child (3). Immediately after his first weekend w/ overnights, she would not let them go overnight anymore. The reason? Because he fell asleep in the bed with his 7 yr old daughter when he laid there to comfort her because she was anxious about the new environment (she has a diagnosed anxiety disorder). After a month or 2 of her trying to control EVERYTHING, including his time with them, he had enough and filed a motion in court to get his overnights enforced. She responded with a bunch of crap accusations, none of which were true. But we all know that doesn't matter! So now they have had a second limited case manager, are supposed to be going through mediation, and in the meantime he is being hit with this fishing expedition in hopes that the psychologist will find something wrong with him. Why now? It is absolutely KILLING her that HE gets them this year for Christmas Eve AND Christmas day. She can't stand the fact that she will wake up alone on Christmas morning, so she is trying to prevent him from having them!!!!!

I have been around for almost a year, and can't believe the things this woman will do. Their oldest already hates her. He sees the crap she is pulling, and it has affected him terribly. It was last Feb. I believe when bf filed the motion. He still has not gotten his day in court. And now he has to answer to all her false accusations.

BUT. I am hoping that the things she has done during this time will come to light when he finally gets his day. Now, instead of just getting his visitation time enforced, he is going to go after shared residential custody. He hopes to get them during the summer. So going ahead and getting this psych exam will help his case because the judge will see that HE is not crazy, and maybe, just maybe, SHE is. Anyway, wanted to share this website. A lot of people know what PAS is, but when I found out about HAP, it described the BM to a TEEEEE. Maybe it will help someone here understand what the BM is doing. It IS abuse, and the BM can be counseled, but if not successful, these BMs should NOT have residential custody. Here is the site: