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Thank you sooo much I feel
Submitted by Rosedeer on Tue, 11/18/2008 - 7:35pm.
Thank you sooo much I feel better. The reason she get cs and it is 50-50 is because he makes so much more than her. The courts take in to account the parents income the child would have if they were together and then give the child 17% of that and since he makes 60,000 and she makes 20,0000 he should pay 205 a week but the courts were kind and set cs at 150 a week because it is 50-50. We go to court in Dec. and I pray to win. She told my husband the other day that she could get insurance on the kid but it would cost her 200 a month for family and she pays 60 a month for her so their son is on child health plus and he is going to be on my insurance soon we just got married. I can't believe she would not pay the extra when the court paper state when it is affordable one of them should have coverage I would say 200 is affordable because she gets 600 in cs I am going to be paying 400 a month for family but I love my family. She doesn't know she makes me crazy, she actually thinks I am calm but I am a good actress I vent on my husband, but no more now that I have you guys my relationship will get much better because I can vent here and be done. I think he is sick of feeling in the middle it is just I don't like her, she has called my work 3 times and wrote a letter trying to get me fired and called DSS on me 3 times trying to get my foster daughter taken away. Can you blame me for not wanting to be her friend. Thanks again I look forward to many vent sessions this site is great!!!