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Sick and Tired

Piper1932's picture

Having already been a Stepparent to 2 boys and 1 girl, as well as birthing and raising 5 of my own in my last marriage of almost 20 years, I mistakenly thought Id be more than capable coming into this relationship. BOY was I WRONG!! This relationship, we get along good, but I have, until now, had to really work hard to love my SD. She just turned 13 and lives with us full time. When I first joined tge family, she had just turned 12, and I didnt know it then, but found out recently, she was already smoking pot and drinking with her older brothers,(both of whom have been to jail now), and was covered in hickies on her neck from local boys because of being let to roam wild all over unsupervised for days at a time. I didnt realize it then,(I simply thought she was with her Mom),. Fast forward to now, we moved to Wisconsin from Florida, thinking that getting her out of that environment and keeping her under strict supervision would help clean her up. Well, what that REALLY meant was I was expected to dicipline her exclusively, and when I did I was accused of not liking her and of course,"being mean", I removed myself from doing anything at all with her. I didnt let any of my kids step, or otherwise do HALF of what I allow from her, and now that I know her better and see Dad's,"Disney Dad", behavior and have seen her torture animals for fun, says she likes seeing people in pain, and "wants to watch little kids get murdered on horror flicks cuz it would be so much cooler", I am DONE. I'm ready to disconnect from the relationship entirely. Dad thinks everything she does is innocent, thinks I just,"don't like her"and can't see her for what she is- a sadistic sociopath. Am I wrong? Should I even TRY talking to him about this again? I cant leave during the Pandemic, but I just feel like this is a losing battle. Advice?



Rags's picture

I would have that evil POS in the system and let the system destroy her so she does not destroy your life and marriage. Threats, animal crulty, get it all on tape and get to the Police.

Whether DH wants her in the system or not.

shamds's picture

Because its so cool, my husband would be told that skidbleaves the house immediately as i would not be comfortable living in that house. If hubby refused to address that, i’d be getting a divorce. This isn’t a healthy home and thats not a normal thing to say. Your sd lacks any nurturing feelings or empathy..

she’s probably the kid with a younger half or stepsibling who would push the younger sibling on the road and enjoy that kid getting runover because she enjoys seeing others in pain... its a reflection of herself that she is in alot of pain internally and no parent of hers is helping her