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Leopards and Spots...

Java_Junkie's picture

As a continuation from a previous thread:

No progress.

Let the disengaging resume.

Thing 1 was a deadbeat all weekend long. DW has been a bit of a deadbeat as well.

Christmas will have gift bags of charcoal in them. I have a smoker and will be putting some lump charcoal in gift bags.

Thing 1 was saying he wanted Madden 19 for his PS4. I looked and saw the reviews are dreadful, so NO (Madden 18 is better, and much cheaper). Then he was a deadbeat all weekend long and didn't help with any chores at all (he'll only help with what his mommie asks him to help with, and even then, he'll half-ass it).

I'll give him a $20 card to Game Stop and a turd-sized lump of coal. Maybe a tee shirt that says "Eat, crap, play video games, repeat" or something.

I just wanna say to DW, "I hate that I have to ask you, but what does your kid DO around here? I'm seeing nothing. I'm seeing a kid who does just enough to get you to let him do nothing else."

grace8205's picture

I can’t believe how lazy some ppl let their kids be. My son 22 is a gamer however he will cook meals, clean is room (not as showroom clean as mine but clean), shovel walks and do anything you ask him. He as always contributed. He is in University and works full time. My skid24 on the other hand is uber lazy doesn’t contribute and watches Netflix in his bed as soon as he comes in from work. He has a full time job but leaves early all the time and calls in sick. 

My son has never called in sick to work. 

I stopped buying gifts for skid after the first Christmas, he never said thank you and was a total asshole that year. My DH buys a gift for him and signs my name to it. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Why are you buying them anything? I wouldn't waste my money on so much as a tic tac.