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Hard to be a stepmom to older kids

Mom2eight's picture

On second marriage, have three stepkids, husband cheated in me with their mother and I didn't find out for over a year into the relationship. I have a very uncomfortable relationship with his three children. We now have a child together, and I have four kids from a previous marriage. I'm here because I cannot connect to his three kids and it's uncomfortable having them in my home. I feel "wrong" for it, but part of me just wants nothing to do with them. They're not bad kids. They're just an extension of the woman he cheated with. They hated me and still don't like me. I see them trying, as do I. But it's very tough. I'd rather be "sick" and have to lay down in my room when they visit.

Rags's picture

If these Skid's aren't triplets then your DH didn't just cheat on you with their BM he cheated on you repeatedly.  Boot his ass, nail him to the wall for piles of CS and leave him living under an over pass until your  young child ages out from under the Visitation/Custody/Support order.


elkclan's picture

I think divorced their mom, met and married OP, and then went back and cheated with the ex. In that order. 

notasm3's picture

I'm all into forgiveness and giving people a second chance.  But one's spouse cheating with an ex is UNFORGIVEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

No matter what happens with the skids you're still stuck with a husband who is a rotting sack of sh*t.