Bitter Ex poisoning my step children into disliking their half-siblings!
My partners bitter ex wife has done several things recently which have disrupted our happy blended family life. She is constantly trying to cause trouble but the last few weeks have been awful.
She has never accepted the birth of our baby boy, half brother to her 3 children. The children adore him however they have individually told me the feel uncomfortable talking about him with her.
Another issue is that we have found out she has removed all photos of our baby in my Step son's iPhone.
And lastly, she has made it quite clear our baby is not welcome at the same day-care nursery that my step daughter attends, despite it being closest to us, not her.
She is talking badly about me and my son to the children who I have an extremely good relationship with, they are all quite young, still in primary school.
When they were all on holiday in the summer, my partner was speaking with the children on the phone; there were many awkward silences where whispering could be heard. The children, in a very 'matter of fact' way, said they didn't miss me or their brother. They said they didn't want to talk to anyone other than their father.
My partner spoke with the children on their return from holiday who confirmed that the BM was telling them what to say on the phone. She OBVIOUSLY denied this and accused her own children of lying!
Basically.... I'm exhausted.
I have suggested to my partner than we move further away; at the moment we live in the next village to her so we tend to step on one another's toes quite a bit. But we initially thought living that close would be better for my step children. However now that we also have our baby to think about, I'm concerned she will make things extremely difficult and I don't want him to have to deal with any of this as he grows up and goes to nursery or school.
I'm not suggesting me move cities! But just further afield so she doesn't have access to damage and taint any of, what should be, exciting times in our sons life.
Any advice on how to deal with this narcissistic, self centred and manipulative woman??
There isn't a lot you can do
There isn't a lot you can do to control BM unfortunately.
Just be yourself and continue working on your good relationships with your skids. Insure their time with you is relaxed and fun, and don't focus on the BM
Stay as far out of the BM's way as possible, on the occasions you run in to her
Hope it gets better!