Will I ever get through this
Hi All
I am new here and I would just like to say hello to everyone before I blurt everything out. So HELLO!
Here goes - I have been in a relationship for 3.5years and we have custody of both sets of kids. SD - 12 and SS - 9 BS - 12 BD - 10 BD - 8. I love them all dearly and when we first started I thought I could do this, but now I am not so sure. I don't know how to start this it has been one thing after another. SS has been a horror on and off for the last 3yrs one minute he wants his mum and is hell bent on breaking up this family and the next he is ok. It is like he turns it on and off like a tap. I am always looking for ways to make things better. DH after about the 4th bout of this crap decided to tell me that SS had always been hard to deal with etc. BM treats him like a little tin god and has always favoured him over the sister, but even now is starting to say things like I wish that a little of your son would rub off on my son (sweet mother doesn't want them). The SD is now starting to compete with me and the DH can't see it, I have started working nights so we don't have to get childcare and DH has said that it is good for the kids and him as I try to control everything that goes on at night. By this I assume he means stopping the constant bickering which I am aware is normal but gets on my nerves. SD has just admitted that she wants her father to herself but doesn't want us to go. It is just one thing after another and I feel like I am going mad. My three came from a domestic violence background so they love DH to bits and if they disrepsect DH they cop it from me. He says he doesn't ask me too and he won't with his two. DH tells me that I worry too much about things and that I am the adult and they are the children and I should be the bigger person but he is only just starting to back me on things that happen now. I don't feel comfortable with leaving my three with him at night cause I know that he never see's what his two do. I have brought my kids up with honesty, respect etc and SK's lie and what have you and you can't get through to them. BM says there is a nasty streak in his family and DH says there is a nasty streak in her. I am the sucker that has to raise them. I worry that I am not giving them a fair go, I was a stepchild too and my SF hated me and I don't want them to grow up the same way. DH says that because I didn't have a normal childhood that I don't know what a real father/daughter relationship is, but SD is now doing the stuff that I used to do in the house with DH (building fences etc) cause I have to sleep for the next shift. She is also starting to take over all the things I do as a mum (I am the one that has taught her cooking etc). Am I being jealous and a fool.
Sorry once I started typing it all just came out. There is heaps more but this is the main worry at the moment.
Advice would be very much appreciated
Dragon heart
Hi and welcome!! Don't worry about how long your posts are. Let it all out!!
Anyway, I think your sd is getting to "that" age where she is going to start stuff like that. Also, I'm sure she is trying to get her father's attention since her mother favors her brother. She probably has a lot going on in her head.
It also sounds like your guy needs to be a little more observant.