Why is this happening?
My 11yo step-son has recently been complaining to his biological mother about how much he doesn't like coming to our home half the time. He'll give her reasons why that are just not true. I had a conversation with him asking him why he would say these things (he says we call him names, withhold comfort items, treat him differently, etc.) and he told me "Well I guess I was over-exaggerating". I had a heart to heart with him about how families support each other and that if he has a problem with our home he should come to me so we can resolve it. But I don't think he'll change. I have 3 younger children with his father. We spend so much time doing family activies together, I read parenting books in my free time, and I'm a teacher so I feel like we have a pretty healthy, happy home. But for some reason he just dislikes our home and is taking it as far as lying in order to stay at his mother's. What can I do? I just don't understand why this is happening to us.
He wants BM's favor
I'm guessIng he's telling BM what she wants to hear. Where is your DH in all this? He might want to have a conversation with his son about how exaggerating things like this causes friction within families. An 11yo needs to realize that lying about other people is bad. I'd let DH handle this. Good luck.
Why isn’t your
DH taking care of this. He is the parent, SS comes to see him. Why isn't your DH doing anything about SS lying and causing problems?
I would stay out of this before it becomes all yoir fault
Do you think BM wants him
Do you think BM wants him with her all the time and is alienating him from you guys? If not, then just set limits and boundaries. He should get in trouble for lying to BM. But if BM is manipulating him to hate you guys, that's a whole other ball of wax, and very hard to stop.
How to disengage?
The bio mom is already complaining that I "treat him differently" from my other children. If I disengage, won't she keep throwing that in my face?
He can stay at BM's. And...
He can stay at BM's. And..... good riddance.