What would you do?
It is suggested or requested by the kids mom that I be present at an upcoming mediation session. Would you go?
I keep going back and forth. Part of me would love to be there and do whatever I can to support the kids and my husband, but the other part of me thinks she just wants me to be there to so she can deflect or have the attention off of her...
Court mediation is serious
Court mediation is serious business... why does BM want you there? I didn't think SMs were even allowed at mediations. Wait, do you mean family mediations through the court, or do you mean private counseling mediation?
Go! I would love the
Go! I would love the opportunity to bare the ass of blended family opposition in an official setting.
Nothing is more fulfilling then holding up the mirror to their idiocy in front of a court official.
I would not go unless court
I would not go unless court ordered. You legally have no place in the proceedings and this reeks of set-up. You are likely to look bad no matter what. If you stay quiet - you don't care about the kids; idf you speak up - your butting in. Discuss points of contention beforehand and let DH handle this one on his own.