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we have custody of hateful sd

LisaT's picture

I raised my 14 yr old sd from age 5-10. Her mom kept her one summer and we got her back 3 yrs ago. She left loving me and calling me mom and came back hating me and writing how she wants me dead and wrote she wanted to kill me. I dealt with that by taking her to the doctor on base and then counseling.

I knew she still hated me. She just learned not to write it in planners and notebooks. This past Feb my husband was on a 3 week military assignment. I took her ipod and asked for her password. I told her I knew she was going on myspace and facebook and her dad didn't allow her to. I went on her facebook and read all the profanity she wrote about me. Her and her mom were laughing back and forth writing things and her mom tellin her not to take my "s--t". They called me ugly troll, "f---in b--ch" other things. She wrote sleezy emails to a friend about wanting to "f--k" this boy but no skinny penises were going in her lady business. I emailed all this stuff to her dad who talked to her on the phone and said he would talk to her when he got back. It's been 3 months and they haven't talked about it. I took everything away from her except her clothes in Feb.

We got in a HUGE fight this whole past weekend because of Abby. He doesn't understand why she can't sleep over at a friend's house. He said she's been grounded 3 months. I said Abby knows he didn't do anything. I'm the one who took everything away which makes her hate me more. He let her get away with calling me names. I don't curse at all. She didn't either before she went to her mom's.

Her mom tried to sue for custody in Jan. But she messed up and wrote in the papers she wanted child support for Abby, another sibling, and 2 kids my husband adopted but have emancipated themselves by moving out. When our lawyer brought up all the lies, she didn't want it going to court and made a deal with my husband for her to pay airfare for abby. My husband called with good news that we get to keep Abby. That's real good. It's like a jail sentence for me. Her mom made her into this trash- talking hateful child but I have to deal with it.

My husband is upset because he says I want him to choose between her and me. I explained she's got a mom who changed her and why should I have to deal with what her mom did. He says fine he will let her go if I let my oldest 2 that he adopted go to my mom's house. My kids dad died when I was pregnant with the 2nd one. I don't have a crazy ex in the picture turning them into hateful kids. He adopted my kids and they only know him as dad. My kids have never written they want him dead or hate him.

I feel like crying all the time. My husband and I fight so much. He knows she wants to live there and he knows I want her to go but he wants to keep her because he loves her. He blames me for her wanting to go. But, I'm not the one who made her forget the first 5 yrs.

My sd's mom has tried to run my husband over in the past, has tried to commit suicide. Her grandpa on that side was a diagnosed skitzophrenic and convicted child molester. Other family members on her mom's side have been suicidal or crazy by hurting others so when Abby made threats against me , of courst I take it seriously even though the doctors and my husband doesn't. Are they going to wait until I end up on the news like other families have when their kids kill them? My husband does go away, not often but sometimes for a couple of weeks and I don't want abby here without him when she hates me and our kids and probably our new baby girl.

Does anybody else have custody of their sd and a psycho ex who causes trouble? How do you deal with it without it effecting your happiness and trying to be a good parent to your other kids? I really really want her to go to her mom's. I want her to go for summer visitation and hopefully she doesn't come back. Maybe her mom will do what she did that one summer and keep her again.

starfish's picture

my heart goes out to you.......... i'll cross my fingers and hope she goes to bm's this summer and never comes back, too..... i do not have your problem at this time, but it is a fear a face daily... we do have a f'd up bm and sd13 following in her footsteps and a troubled ss10... with my mil doing everything she can to stick dh & i with the ass gnats full time.......... or getting them herself and guilting dh more so then she already does.. good luck on sd going back to bms..

Anon2009's picture

I don't think SD should be living with BM.

We've had custody of my SDs for 4 years, and the beginning was he** on everyone. Things are much better now, but it took a lot of hard work from everyone to get where we are now.

Is SD receiving any professional help at all? Are you in family counseling?

NachoMama's picture

I feel for you!!! I am honestly scared that one day Chapoopa might try to kill DH or myself in our sleep. His BM is such a POS and treats him like crap...there is nothing I can do about that but I see what it does to him and I am scared for him and what he will become later on in life!!!

LisaT's picture

No, we're not in family counseling. My husband and I were going to this counselor on a military base. I had called family advocacy on him at the base for his verbal abuse but he's not as good a counselor as our old one at the last base and doesn't schedule us for weekly appts. The first time I caught her last year writing how she wanted to kill me, I took her to the base doctor. He talked to her privately and then told me she said she's not going to kill me. He recommended counseling which I took her to several times. I got fed up and quit doing it because there was a day my husband was off work and could have driven his daughter to the appt and let me get a break. I was pregnant and tired and furious that he was able to make the 20 mile drive for the appt and didn't do it because i'm the one who set up this counseling. I'm done putting in all the work and getting nothing back.

Because he's allowed her to get away with what she did, I've made him do everything for her that i used to do. He's in the military and has to leave early for her school counseling appts and so far 2 doctor appts. We live an hour away from the base so it's very hard on him. She totally ignores me. When she asks a question she will just come up and ask it, not call me Mom like she did for 5 yrs. I'm just nothing. But if she asks her dad something and he doesn't answer she repeatedly calls "dad, dad, dad" until he answers. All I get is her walking away if I didn't answer. I figure we've got 7 other peopl in this house she could be talking to. If I don't hear my name it must not be me so i don't answer. Yes, it's childish of me. But I'm so angry that she calls every other person by a name but intentionally calls me nothing. I will not put up with that. And i was mom for 5 yrs so she's got to go back to how it was. This is my house and my rules, not hers.

Hmmm's picture

Maybe you should give her a little more privacy to vent. All the experts you've talked to have told you she isn't a danger, doesn't want to hurt you, etc.

midwestmama's picture

Omigosh, well I guess I must be the biggest controlling *B* because there is NO WAY IN HELL my DH would EVER just "call me up" with that kind of news?!?! He knows that I dont want that kid in my house, and I'm certain he wouldnt even ask anymore? In fact, about a year ago when BM was really pressing DH to "take SS cuz she couldnt handle him anymore" DH told me how it tore him up and he wished he could help etc, but I heard him tell BM on the phone that SHE fought him 14 years ago to keep that kid, and she spent all these years screwing him up, and basically NO, we are NOT taking him!

DH did consider letting his mother or sister step in and "save" the kid (ie, let him live with them) but since DH's dad died 2 years ago, his 70 yo mother isnt really in a position to deal with the kid. And DH's sister, well...let's just say she cant even raise her own kids right (her 17yo son didnt finish high school because he was in jail for drug/alcohol/viloence related issues...and her 16yo daughter just had a baby...ugh) so um...yah...and of course nothing I say matters. My degree in psychology means nothing. The fact that a teenager should NOT "get to" get away from the parents he "hates" because they have rules that he cant seem to follow. He should not be given the right to snub them like that. But of course, DH feels that I only say that because I hate SS so...what do I know.

All I can say is, manage your own life. If you dont want the kid in your house, tell DH he needs to figure something else out. He's not even there for pete's sake! He just cant dump this on you. (not unless you let him)