WARNING-this is long...My stepdaughter bullies my daughter!
My husband and I have been together almost 7 yrs total, married for 5.5 yrs. His daughter was almost 3 and my daughter was almost 2. They're now 8 and 9 yrs old. My daughter is a sweet, quiet, sensitive child who does not have a mean bone in her body and is a friend to all. My stepdaughter is the total OPPOSITE. And by that, I mean, bossy, arrogant, gets mad when she's not getting her way, does not take anyone else's feelings into consideration, impulsive, etc...
A little back history, when SD was 2-3 yrs old she started being trouble and it's just gradually gotten worse since. She wasn't a very happy baby or toddler either. She hit, bit, kicked, pitched fits, tantrums whenever, whereever and with whomever. I do know and understand that this is very normal behavior for children this age as they just do not know how to communicate and are still learning social skills so they will lash out whatever way they can to get one's attention but there's just been something different about her. Not only was she was an only child before we all remarried, her mother was also an only child so she was being parented by a parent who knew nothing else. Her mother married first and her husband has 3 children from a previous marriage and now they have one child together and they had their child a year and a half after marrying. We do not have children together. I had 3 from my previous marriage and he had just her from his and we both agreed in the beginning that 4 is plenty. My boys are 20 yrs and 16 yrs old so there's never any issues with SD and my boys. It's just with my daughter. We feel it's because they're both girls and they're only a year and 1 month apart in age and they share a room. We have the normal every other weekend visitation with his daughter. On the other weekends, my daughter is with her Dad while SD is with her mom. I've been a mom now for 20+ years and I have raised my children on rules and manners since day 1. I am also the parent who disciplines and have no problems doing so. My husband on the other hand, does not like confrontation with anyone, the kids, INCLUDING EX-WIFE! Truth be told, part of this is because I'm the one who pretty much oversees the kids, and all 4. He works very hard and he is great around the house and helps with any household stuff and is very attentive to me and constantly shows his love for me and how much he cares for me as well as the kids but just will not punish. Fortunately and unfortunately, we don't have to punish much but every other weekend...when his daughter visits. I really hate that it's this way. I know that a lot of her behavior is because she was the only child and now has a total of 7 siblings between both homes BUT-this has been the arrangement of both households since she was 3 and so for this reason, she really shouldn't be that affected by siblings in general. Most children do not remember anything at the age of 3 or younger. Since her mother was also an only child and was raised by her gparents she was never disciplined and so she doesn't discipline SD much if any. She parents by the materialism way. For example, when BM and husband had their child together when SD was then 4 yrs old, her way of keeping her from resenting the new baby brother was to buy her an iPod touch...YES-an ipod at 4 yrs old!! Myself on the other hand, I believe in gifts don't get me wrong, but at Christmas and birthdays! Not a gift such as an electronic device just because there's a new baby in the home. In my opinion, the more appropriate way of handling this transition with a new baby is to show her love and attention along with the new baby. To shorten the history up more in a nutshell, my husband and BM parent/discipline about the same, except my husband doesn't do the materialistic ways. He more or less, sends her off to play and doesn't do much with her. So-there's never any interaction much from either bio parent. Since we've been together, I have been the one to oversee anything to do with his daughter. I do our bills so I write the child support checks to BM, I see that she gets the things she needs, I keep him informed of any school messages concerning SD, and I do much of the communication with BM unless it has something to do with behavioral issues. I leave that to them to hash out but at the same time, they don't DO ANYTHING!
When she started 1st grade they decided it was time for her to see a professional when she got ISS at school for throwing things and being a bully to other kids and being very defiant. So-they deemed her to be ADHD and yes, okay at the time because she was younger maybe she was hyperactive but the ADD part of it, not so much. She has never shown any problems with keeping her focus or attention on something that she is supposed to be doing. My middle child who is 16 almost 17 yrs old has been diagnosed with ADHD since he was 4 and while, every child with ADHD is different, those two are much alike. I see a lot of what I dealt with, with him when he was her age so I felt positive that she needed to see someone wayyy before she actually did. As a result, they started her on medication. She is on Adderrall daily and has been since then. While it's helped a lot with her impulsiveness and bossiness, and behavior while on the medicaiton, as it starts wearing off at the end of the day or over time when she needs to go up in mg, she returns to her ways when she is without medication. Since I've been pleading with my husband and her BM to get her some help I've noticed she more has more behavioral and social skillls issues than anything.
FF...about 2 years ago, when my daughter knew the weekends were coming up for SD to come to the house, she would start acting nervous, cry, and want to go to her Daddy's house while she was there. I started getting more and more worried about what might be going on between the two of them for her to get that way and I talked with my husband about it and he noticed it too. In addition to talking about this, we started to watch them interact more closely. DH has never denied that his daughter does have major issues and neither has her mom but neither seem to not want to be bothered with looking further into her issues. I on the other hand, AM concerned for a lot of reasons. I worry about my daughter and her feelings and the fact that she shouldn't be scared in her own home, I worry about other children that are around her, and I worry about how my SD will turn out as a teenager or adult if this continues and nothing more is done. Now that our girls are older they both have ipads. I am a helicopter mom so I look at all devices and we have parental controls over everything, devices, apps, wifi, router, etc. Our girls do not have a provider for service, they are wifi only. One weekend after his daughter came for a weekend visit, we noticed my daughter a lot more tearful and my sitter, noticed that my daughter had bags under her eyes on that Monday and Tuesday after. While looking through my daughters ipad videos and pictures I came across a few videos that my SD took of her and my daughter "playing" together in their room. As we watched, we saw her knock the ipad off of a shelf for for fun, she would not let my daughter have her ipad, and they would do little dances and she'd shove my daugher away from the camera and hogged the "front stage" then the heart crushing footage of SD backing my daughter up near the corner of their room by the door to kick her repeatedly. My daughter is not one to tattle on others and doesn't like to get anyone in trouble (including SD) and so after we saw that we called BM and sent video to her and we talked with my daughter about what happened. Since, we decided to get cameras for the house. Since getting the cameras we've also strongly encouraged my daughter to tell us ANY TIME something happens or any time she sees that SD is not being nice or doing things she knows is being a sweet sister. My daughter has become less afraid since getting the cameras and SD has become less physically abusive BUT-she's very manipulative and does the evil stares if they're playing and she doesn't get her way. Even the evil stares make my daughter feel very scared by her because she knows how she is and she's also been threatened by SD not to tattle on her. Now-here we are, she's in 4th grade and her medication is not helping anymore even when she's on it and BM and DH will not seek further than the ADHD diagnosis. I feel that she has ODD which is Oppositional Defiance Disorder and has been receiving medication for the wrong thing but I cannot take her myself to get a 2nd opinion. My husband is fed up with dealing with it...I believe he suffers from the "guilty dad syndrome" where he doesn't like to get onto her because he never gets to see her, but he also doesn't like to talk with BM about issues either because he says she just doesn't do anything anyway...but the more I see that she causes a problem in our home with my daughter the more resentful I am to her and it's not her fault. It's their fault for not stepping up and being the parents they need to be. At the same time, I'm becoming more and more angry with my husband and it's starting to cause a lot of tension in our relationship and our marriage is great aside of the parenting differences but as you all know, that's a major deal in a marriage. Before I go seeking professional counseling, I wondered if anyone else has been in a similar situation and could give me some kind of guidance or direction on the best way to handle this. I'm so sick of talking to my husband about being more involved and that's very sad to even have to say. Please help if you can, thank you in advance.
Gosh, I am so sorry your
Gosh, I am so sorry your daughter is going through this. Is it possible to switch visitation so your daughter is at her dad's house when sd is there?
I hope this doesn't come off as harsh..it isn't meant to be mean...She really shouldn't have to be around her abuser like that. Make no mistake; sd is abusing your daughter. I fear for her emotional well being - long term even. Making her spend time with her abuser is horrible.
Your number 1 job as a mother is to protect your children.
We've actually tried this
We've actually tried this before and things were better and the girls hated to be apart. They played better and everything was great until it started up again. The other issue is her Dad has other children too where he gets them all on the same weekends. I would like to note though, this weekend was much much better. DH worked on Saturday so I kept the girls busy with a full day. We saw the new Pooh movie and went shopping and had a "girls day" and it was very nice. Thank you so much for your reply! I'm always welcoming any and all ideas and suggestions!!
My SS was a very quiet, sweet
My SS was a very quiet, sweet and mellow kid. He was the target of bullies. First at his SpermIdiot's house when on SpermLand visitation when he was 4-6, The SpermIdiot's second baby mama had a prior relationship spawn that was about 3 years older than my SS. He shoved my SS out of second floor window. He fell into bushes below, thank God, and was all scratched up and full of small thorns. He also bit my kid in the small of his back and left scabs and ultimately scars that took more than 10 years to fade.
In Kindergarten through second grade there was a kid on his bus that used to choke him from behind. The kid was about 3 years older. We called the school, etc... to no avail. I finally instructed and showed my son what to do. So the next he was choked my son reached back with his right hand, grabbed the kid by the ear and tore his ear half off his head. We got some attention from the school over that. And never again did the kid choke my son.
We enrolled him in martial arts which was a double edged sword. He learned to defend himself but wouldn't other than blocking and pushing his bullies away. The school gave him awards for not fighting back which pissed me off to no end.
I was bullied as a kid and it wasn't until I learned that getting hit hurts whether you are fighting back or not and it was better to have my bullies in more pain that I was that it finally stopped. It took leaving a couple of them in need of facial reconstruction surgery but it finally stopped.
I would inform your daughter to go ape shit on her bully StepSister taking clumps of her hair and busting her in the nose a couple times. I bet she never gets bullied again.
Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary with anyone who bullies her.
I am sorry she is having to go through this but... total aggression ends bullying.
You have nooooooooooo idea
You have nooooooooooo idea how many times we've STRONGLY tried to encourage her to retaliate in whatever way she can to show her she's not going to take that from her!!! On the other hand, I told DH, it's kinda wrong too though because we're telling my daughter that what she is doing is wrong, and is inappropriate, disrespectful, ugly, mean, and just not what a good sweet sister/friend should do so we hate to tell her that my SD is wrong and then tell my daughter to do the same things to her that we're getting on to SD for. :/ Sigh...............wtd? It's like we're damned if we do and damned if we don't?
It is not the same thing at
It is not the same thing at all. One is an aggressive bully and the other is a response to that bullying. Kids are smart. They know the difference. Supporting her to help her gain the confidence to take the affirmative physical response step is part of parenting.
At least that is what my parents did with me and we did with our son.
Makes sense! How would we go
Makes sense! How would we go about "training" her to think that way? She is just too sweet to even think about "getting back" at her even when we tell her she can. :(
It isn't about "getting back"
It isn't about "getting back". It is about immediately defending herself. It has to be immediate, it has to be brutal and it has to set the example firmely in the bully's brain so that they never make the mistake of bullying your daugther again.
For some it isn't intuitve. It certainly wasn't for me. It was an evolutionary process. Once I made the connection between my brain, my instinct and physical action I never again had to even think about it. When I was bullied, I attacked.
My brother on the other hand. It was immediately instictive for him. People are different.
However, the response to a bully is pretty much set as immediate destruction. Bullies instinctively know that it is their aggressive positioning that works. Take that away by busting them in the mouth and .... poof .... no more bully. At that point they are in fight or flight mode. So it is imperative that when the victim stands up for themselves they have to attack and overcome to take away the risk of the bully fighting back. In my experience they rarely fight back. They usually raise their hands, and back away.
IMHO of course.
I would tell my husband to
I would tell my husband to keep his feral brat the hell away from my kid if he's not going to be bothered to change her behavior or find her the help she needs.
I dont know how you have a scrap of respect left for this man. Anyone who would do nothing when shown evidence his kid is a violent little shit isn't someone with whom I would want to share my life.
I dont know how you haven't confronted the daughter, either. I would have a nose-to-nose conversation with the jerk, making it clear that if she so much as looks wrong at my kid again, she will be dealing with ME.
I like the way you think!
Trust me...I've confronted
Trust me...I've confronted BOTH! I have to have SD when my DH works some Saturdays and I've told him and he knows that when he's not there, she's under my watch and she WILL be disciplined in the way I see fit. We don't spank much at our house but we're not against it either. Now that they're older we do things like taking things away and or privileges. I was just telling the first commenter that this past weekend was a great weekend with her. DH had to work so I planned a full day with the girls. Went to the movies and had a girls day and went shopping, etc...no fussing, bullying, etc..BUT-she also KNOWS I don't play either and she knows I'm watching everything she does. She more or less tries things or is her mean self when we're at home and my husband is home and they're in the room together. Since this last time however, I've been keeping my camera app open on my phone and carrying it from room to room as I'm cleaning house, etc. As far as him not wanting to do anything, he does, he just doesn't put his foot down to his ex wife and he won't have the guts get her and take her himself. He will tell you all day long she's a bully, brat, and she's mean...he too watched her extremely more closely than normal this weekend when he wasn't working. He also go onto her or said something to her with anything as small as an eye-roll. So-this weekend was so much better that we thought we'd "reward" her by letting her stay last night and DH would take her to school this morning. We used to do that but took that away as one of the punishments when she was treating my daughter so ugly all the time. Before we asked my SD though, we asked my daughter first how she felt about her spending the night again, and she was excited to have her stay. We would have never even allowed her to stay a night more than she was supposed to (outside of the normal weekend visit) until we checked with my daughter to make sure she felt she would be comfortable with her there another night.
We've tried that before and
We've tried that before and the girls ended up missing eachother and it actually helped with SD's behavior. We told her the truth, we told her my daughter didn't want to be there to play on the weekends she came because she was mean to her so now she'd have to have the weekends all by herself with no one to play with. It straightened her up for a while. When we went back to the normal schedule we got cameras for the rooms. She knows she's being watched now and so the physical violence has stopped BUT-there are times we see her giving evil looks or rolling her eyes if she wants my daughter to play something with her or she doesn't want to play a game that SD wants to play...even with the looks, she's over it. My daughter just gets uncomfortable now when she gets the looks because she knows she's just being mean and she doesn't want her to be mean to her at all. Their history with all the bulliness, is too recent for my daughter to be comfortable with eye rolls and mean face looks. AND she's getting in trouble just for that too. There's no reason why you need to roll your eyes or give an evil stare just because someone doesn't want to play something with you...
Today, for my own sanity and more importantly my daughter's, I've arranged it with my ex that my daughter goes to his house on the weekends we get SD starting next weekend and I'm ALREADY relieved...when SD comes for the 1st time, DH doesn't know it yet but he is going to be taking over the weekend stuff when SD comes...I think it'll be good for all of us all the way around! It's time my daughter is no longer happy or fears our every other weekend visits with SD and tip-toeing around what mood she might be in next....and it's about time DH spends time with SD which is why she is there every other weekend and it's time he gets to share in the taking care of her when she comes and not just myself because my daughter is there anyway. AND-IT'S TIME, I no longer stress over that situation...by letting go and giving him all the responsibility will hopefully allow me to become less resentful of her because of her actions and then hopefully start to regain some kind of relationship with her again that is a good wholesome relationship. It'll also help relieve the tension DH and I have between each other because it's his daughter causing the issues for us and with my daughter and in return will keep me from being resentful of him as well. My ex says, "now keep in mind this'll take away your kid free weekend"...I said, "I appreciate you working on this with us and by no means do I care anything about a "kid free" weekend when it comes to seeing that my daughter is no longer suffering every other weekend." Her feelings and sanity is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more important than that and she will always be my 1st priority! :)