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Step son has decided that he wants to live with us

Misunderstoon Wife's picture

My step son is 15 years old normally travels from Oregon to Maryland to spend the summers with his father.
Recently he has expressed his wishes to live on the East Coast with us.

My husband has never been one to communicate with me about his kids and I tried to talk to him about my concerns about his son moving out here. I stressed several times that I had no problem with him living with us but I wanted to know what the plans were and for him to be willing to hear my concerns.

My response that I got from this while getting ready for work this am was that he didn't want to be together any longer.

I had asked him how he would be getting his son home from practices if it was one of his nights he (the husband) had school.
Him knowing full well that I would have no problem doing so but I work 2 jobs and finishing up my degree.

HappyCow's picture

My now 16 year old SD came to live with us last September. If you and your husband are on the same page about him coming to live with you full time make sure you set guidlines before he arrives. Once he arrives make sure there are written house rules that he needs to follow. This way there will bever be any questions about expectations! It hasn't been all that easy these past months but having the prep work done before hand has really helped our family, Good Luck.

Misunderstoon Wife's picture

This is because I asked how the SS would be getting home from practice............

misSTEP's picture

I hate to say it but if giving you a say in your own household is enough to make him want to break up, then your relationship wasn't nearly as strong as you probably thought it was. Sorry.

Misunderstoon Wife's picture

Happy Cow,

That is all was trying to do... get the expectation ball rolling, of what he expected of me and expressing my concerns.

kontan's picture

Very confused.

You discussed your concerns and husband indicates he no longer wants to be together?

If that is the case, so long, see ya. Buh-bye. He's an ass and you are better off without that headache.

Misunderstoon Wife's picture

I felt that we needed to communicate and get one another's concerns and feeling out i the open.

We had discussed a few things, and then it came to sports, my husband is use to be doing everything without being asked. I'm the outsider in my own home when the SS comes to visit.. So before he is to arrive out here to live I wanted to lay everything on the table.

His concerns, my concerns.. I wanted him for once to ask for my help not to just assume that I was going to fill the gaps when he couldn't.

I don't want to be trying to do this once the kid gets here, I would like like mu husband and I on the same page.

kontan's picture

You are absolutely right to communicate and work out the logistics. It is just extremely strange to attempt to have that discussion and receive "I don't want to be together."

AllySkoo's picture

Wonderful approach!

Lol Although I personally wouldn't say "I won't fight you if you want a divorce." I've told my DH the only way he's getting out of this marriage is in a box.... Wink

hereiam's picture

My first thought was, there is something else going on with him and this is just his excuse.

That is a pretty strong reaction just because you want to have a discussion about what to expect, should his son come live with you.