SS6 home from BM's house,, What the Hell DID SHE DO TO HIM??
My SS6 has not seen or slept at BM's since aug. He said he dosent want to go or sleep over. Well me and my BF needed a break from my BioDaugh.5 and my SS6, so we shipped them off to there other half's for the weekend. Usually SS6 is very VERY affectionate with me on a regular basis amd he always polite. Well i dont know what the chemical was she used to brain wash him with but he has been a rude ass ever since she dropped him off. My BF has also picked up on this. He has said in the past coming back from her "house", that he hates me, im not his friend and that he dosent like me, usually my BF makes him appoligize to me but, WTF??? i want to say, if you dont like me than go live with your nasty, herpe, drunk ass pig mother, but i dont. (well inside i do)
last night when my BF went out to finish xmas shopping it was me home with my daughter 5 (my angel) and SS6. he walked into the kitchen and said:
SS: my mom has a bigger xmas tree than you
me: than us?
ss:yup and its nicer
me: that great
ss: if my dad ever marry's you, im not calling you mom because my mom dosent live in this house
me: you can call me whatever you want
ss: well i hate you and i dont like you
me: well those are mean words and you need to go in your room until your dad comes home
ss: i hate you
Soooooo, about hald hour later my BF arrives, my SS6 RAN out of his room HYSTERICAL, saying that i was mean to him and that i MADE HIM CALL MY MOM. my BF asked me if that was true, i told him exactly what happened. I asked him if he was going to say anything to him son AGAIN for saying he hates me. My BF was "more mad" because he knew someone was lying to him. i reminded him that he is also coming off of a "BM high", that night SS6 didnt say a word to me and quite frankly im not going to fight with a 6 year old.
I f*cking hate it when he comes back from as*hole BM's house, she always put all this sh*t in his head to f*ck up my home when he comes back,, any suggestions?
I can't stand the comparisons
I can't stand the comparisons to BM or her house or stuff. Its always " my mommy does this" or we have more toys at our house( BM's. She won't let them call our house their house) I just want to yell that their daddy pays for it all. So frustrating!
bm is bitter and brainwashing
bm is bitter and brainwashing him. my ss7 came over one time just to be completely scared of me and wouldn't come near me (he was usually sweet and huggy). then i found out bm told him i was a mean lady who stole his daddy and that i was a devil worshipper.
it hurt me for yearssssss. i didn't steal daddy, he was divorced when i hooked up with him. and i'm in no way a devil worshipper WTF ever!
Hey ddakan! I was a devil
Hey ddakan! I was a devil worshipper as well! I was "possessed by Satan" at one point. I swear my stepson was searching for horns on my head.
i can't believe it, i
:jawdrop: i can't believe it, i FEEEL......understoooddddd! thank you mom2five!!!!
the BMs term is "the devil is going to steal your soul" when she says it to the kids, but she just calls me plain old devil worshipper.
Damn, I haven't made it to
Damn, I haven't made it to 'devil worshipper' status yet! Apparently, I'm just mean, selfish and self-centered. SD11 watches me warily since I'm the only adult who doesn't treat her like a Precious Pony Princess and the only one who has ever told her that she's not the force that drives the fricking universe. On the other hand, she does respect me and knows I have no problem saying to her what 'mommy' and 'daddy' won't. I guess I'll settle for being mean, selfish, and self-centered for now...maybe one day I'll rise to the status! }:)