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SS4 urinated on sister??? WTH

crystalclear's picture

I am in the living room with bio kids and nephew watching a movie. I hear DH on phone. I think that's weird he never is on the phone. I walk in and he waves me out of the room. So I pretend to look for somthing being nosey. He hangs up and says BM called and wanted some back up. Seems that child decided he would pee on BM other child his sister which is 2. I guess she spanked and put him to bed and grounded him from somthing. Someone else said she was a bad mother for doing so. I have always said this kid has major problems. I guess what I'm asking is when I am asked by DH and BM what to do about id like to have some good input on what to do??? Thoughts anyone???

Crazymommaof4's picture

Well that's an odd one he is acting out for a reason and some sort of correction needs to be taken. If he has mental issues maybe consult a councilor or a professional but I am pro spanking so its her perogitive I guess.

Texas_Pete's picture

I agree,, I also dont think I have ever heard of a child doing that.. I've seen dogs pee on people but not kids.. But either way its spanking time..