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So Aggrivated

blondediva40's picture

I have been married to my husban now for three yrs, I bring an 11 1/2 yr old boy and him a 12 yr old girl whom we see every other weekend, things have there ups and downs. I went so far as to meet with husbands ex to make things smoother so the daughter wouldnt be so nervous and things seemed to be ok her and I are more like oil and water, she is the type that you don't turn your back on because there is a knife sticking it in, i have gone above and beyond for this woman ( done her hair, her bill collectors have called me, i have taken her other kid not my husbands) , so to get to my point we had huge fight out of no where and she yelled my daughter hates you anyway!! well I havent forgotten! now she keeps changing times on our weekend ex: fri 6 to sun 6 equal time now this past weekend she says she doesnt want my daughter to sleep here we have to drive her back and forth is she crazy??? Apparently she is no longer taking my texts because I have texted her to ask what happened to spiral out of control and lets talk!! This new arrangement will not only hurt us but my son and my daughter!!

Anywho78's picture

Sounds like you need to disengage from BM. There's no reason that you should be talking to her about your SD...leave that to your DH. There are some instances where the SM does fine communicating with BM...this doesn't seem like on of those situations.

Secondly, I would stop referring to your SD as YOUR daughter...that tends to anger BM's across the board.

Is there a CO in place? If so, do exactly as it more, no less. She has no say in your SD spending the night at her dad's house as it's part of visitation. If there isn't one, your DH needs to get that sorted out ASAP.

Best of luck!

blondediva40's picture

ty, yes there is a CO in order, I do refer to her as our daughter because I also have Half sibilings and step sibilings and wasn't raised to call them any different! Furthermore my husbands Ex has had no problem referring her new husband as Daddy to the child which has annoyed me from day one, he also speaks for her most of the time when I agree it should be between ex's no one else!

blondediva40's picture
