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SK10 - I can't deal with him anymore - he is evil and dangerous

confusedmomof3's picture

Ok, I have posted on this little brat before and been given amazing advice by everyone on here - thank you!

This time I need serious help as I am considering moving out as a result of SK10 - he is making everyone miserable, especially my daughter and I.

Both the DH and I work full time. We have a nanny that comes every day from 9 - 5 and she is great with the kids and they love her. No issues there. Yesterday, I get home (I typically get home 15-20 minutes beore DH) and do my typical "how was your day?" to our nanny. She looks at me and says we need to talk. Oh man..

1. SK10 is the last one up and decides to sit on the couch and pick at/irritate his older brother first thing in the morning - yelling, disagreeing with everything SK12 says - pick pick pick.. (this is typical of SK10) So the nanny sends him to his room.. He talks back and yells at her all the way up the stairs.

2. After a while they decide to go to Wal-Mart. SK12 has money he has saved and wants to buy a new DS game. SK10 calls SK12 "stupid" for wanting to buy a particular game. Nanny reprimands him verbally. SK10 yells, complains, is nasty and talks back all the way to Wal-Mart. They all get there and SK10 won't get out of the car. Instead he takes his own sweet time putting his flip flops back on and getting out of the car (again, this is a constant issue with him) while everyone stands in the hot sun waiting on him.

3. They get into Wal-Mart and he proceeds to grab a giant bouncy ball and kick it down the aisles. When the nanny tells him to stop, he argues with her telling her "I want to buy this ball with my money so I'm kicking it".. she tells him no, he isn't buying anything due to his attitude and he throws a fit like a 2 year old. Screaming and yelling and making a scene in the store. Gets put in his room again when he gets home - this time with added slamming of door and throwing/slamming things in his room.

4. Lunchtime she makes them a pizza. SK10 wants coke. We limit his sugar because he had ADHD and he is a 113lb 10 year old!!!! SK12 is permitted a 1/2 cup of coke occasionally, SK10 rarely. Nanny informs him of the rules and says I will allow you to have a little bit and that's all. She pours him a small amount and leaves the room to go get something. When she walks back in (he doesn't see her) he has drank that cup of coke, pours another, gulps that down and begins to pour yet another.. then she speaks up and he says "you said I could have some coke" - she replies, yes, I poured you what you can have. He says "I didn't pour more - that's what you gave me".. lies lies lies - the kid will look you right in the eyes and lie to your face with no remorse. She sends him to his room AGAIN - more door slamming, more throwing things around.

By this time he has spent almost 1/2 his day in time out - you would think he would learn. NOPE.

Later in the day (and this is what cuts me to the bone) is SK10 & 12 are playing with a piano keyboard that they gave to my daughter last spring as a gift when she started voice/piano lessons. They were so sweet to do this for my daughter and it really is one of those warm memories that makes me go "awww" when I think about it - until yesterday.

SK10 is sitting there on the piano and looks at SK12 and says "if dad and Vanessa ever break up we are so taking this keyboard from Katie (my daughter)".. at the time my daughter wasn't even THERE. She did nothing to deserve this mean hateful premeditated comment. It was out of left field. It's not the first time he has said hateful stuff about my daughter, but I would have to say this was the most thought out, not heat of the moment one.

His father gets home and I make the nanny tell him everything. No way am I delivering this to him. He already is under the impression I have it out for these kids - now it's apparent they have it out for my daughter and me. I am beyond pissed. However, I don't even say one word to that kid. I'm done.

I try to explain to his father that this is serious. Even the nanny (who is getting a teaching degree in special needs children) is in shock and comments that the kid has major anger/rage issues and it seems that no matter how you punish him (taking away TV, video games, time out, going to room, etc) it does not phase him.

After the nanny leaves DH starts downplaying EVERYTHING.. I am furious. A fight ensues and SK10 gets what he wants. DH and I are mad at each other and not talking. I am so sick of this and am contemplating throwing in the towel. At 113lbs and 10 years old he is a threat and his father keeps feeding the monster. I am worried about all the hate and rage he has against my daughter and I and fear that someday he will get physically violent with one of us. The writing is on the wall that as a 13 year old this kid will be a danger to all and I want no part of it.

Please help me..

Auteur's picture

You see this ALL could be cured by a medicine known and used for centuries (but has been officially banned in the last 20 years or so by well meaning, but meddling government groups) as "spankitall"

Kid taking his time by stalling and making everyone wait:

Old fashioned cure: Yank kid out by his arm and "hurry him along" or Leave without kid literally letting him/her stand in the dust behind.


Kid yelling and talking back/saying rude things:

Old fashioned cure: Adult simply states: "I did NOT ask for your opinion" followed by a swift, firm swat.


SURE kids can be "super sweet" and then mean. It's called MANIPULATION and nothing new. Has been done by children for CENTURIES until the parents put a STOP to it.

Problem is today's modern day parents DON'T put a stop to it and they end up with selfish, entitled, lack of empathy for others, narcissistc adult children with toddler mentalities (see Casey Anthony)

confusedmomof3's picture

LOL... oh nooooo.. big mean "step mom" isn't allowed to so much as touch this little brat. He walked away from me one time when I was telling him to go to time out and I merely put my hand on his shoulder to redirect him (not agressivley - more like, time out is over here, bud) and he screamed "don't touch me".. this created drama with daddykins and a fight ensued. Bear in mind this kid is 10 years old and 113lbs.. I am 35 and 115lbs.

He needs his mouth smacked for talking back.

He needs his butt whipped for being such a manipulative evil punk.

I'm not the one that is allowed to touch him - that's ok. However, his dad needs to and he won't step up. We have a BIG problem in the making here and soon enough it will be too large to handle and will make everyones quality of life unbearable.

Auteur's picture

No BIOPARENT gives an attention getter.

Do you equate speeding with driving at the speed limit too?