Hi any advice from stepmothers of a teenage daughter would be greatly appreciated. Just recently my husband received a tub of personal belongings from his childhood home. There were a ton of pictures in there from childhood, grade school high school and also from his first marriage... he was a young father at 20 and his ex only 19. He and his wife have been divorced for eight years and we have been together for seven years and married for five. I knew there would be old pictures from their marriage together and he wanted to throw away all the pictures. I thought it would be better to give those pictures to his daughter thinking she would want to have them, perhaps for a personal album. Now she has put up photos of her dad and mom when they were together all over her room at our house. I have no problem with pictures of her and her mom being up, and even though it would sting a bit I would I understand a picture of them all together as a family I'm having a hard time with the picture of her parents alone being up in our home. Also, not that it should matter this is something that her mom who is also remarried would NEVER allow in her home. My question is how do I handle my feelings or actions with this situation?
Learning moment. Save that
Learning moment. Save that crap to give to her when she launches. She can wallpaper her own place with it and create an alter to her parents' failed marriage. That crap does not need to be in your home.
That is rude behavior on her
That is rude behavior on her part. She knows exactly what she is doing.
Your husband should talk to her and let her know it makes him uncomfortable and add that her mom would not like it at her house either.
It is rude but it's also the
It is rude but it's also the mentality of a teenager to be so self absorbed they'd decorate their room the way they want and since the OP unintentionally approved the pictures by giving them to her, this is what happens. 1 + 1 = 2.
Op the best you can do now is: 1. Ask your DH to talk to her about it (although he did tell you to toss them...) 2. Passive but get her something else to replace them with or an album to put them in to "keep them safe"
I personally would not have
I personally would not have an issue with this, but if you do, then your husband needs to say something to her - not you. She can make an album with the pictures and keep them that way.
She's a teenager - she knows
She's a teenager - she knows what she is doing is inappropriate and she is old enough to talk to about it by your DH.
"Daughter, your mother and I have been divorced for many years. I am married now to my new wife for seven years. It is inappropriate for you to hang up pictures of BM in our house. Those pictures were given to you to keep for yourself. Here's a photo album that you can use to store them."