New to this very informative site
I am new to this site but already, reading over some of the posts, have found that there are a lot of people out there that are dealing with the same things that I am dealing with.
I am a stepmom of a very confused, 13 year old boy. I'm also a mother of two little girls that are too confused with the situation with their brother. The bio-mom has, for the last 11 years, caused nothing but problems for everyone involved. She has put us $10,000 in debt with lawyers and court fees. Without going into detail just yet, I just wanted to say that it's nice to see that there are people out there that do understand what I'm going through.
Thank you in advance for any advice that I may receive
Welcome, I hope you find this
Welcome, I hope you find this a good place to vent, contribute and pick up some useful advice from others living the blended family dream.
The SpermClan forced us to spend about the same amount as you have spent so I understand the frustration of having to go in to debt to protect a child from the toxic influence from one side of their family. I became dad to my SS-18 when he was 1yo so you and I started our Sparent career at about the same time in our Skid's lives.
Eventually you will get past the toxic BM crap as we have gotten past the toxic SpermClan crap. We are the CP family so we have had somewhat of an advantage in court. In our case it is the NCP SpermIdiot who is the root of our blended family drama. More specifically it is SpermGrandMa who is the primary instigator. Her idiot son is only the Spawner of the 4 out-of-wedlock GrandSpawn for SpermGrandMa. My SS is the oldest of the SpermIdiots four and an only child in our home. If SpermGrandMa did not pay the SpermIdiots CS for our son and pay for his attorney we would have been rid of the SpermClan long ago. But, like a tick they latch on and don't seem to ever want to let go of their toxic crap and trying to manipulate my SS and my wife.
Is your DH the CP for your Skid or is BM the CP?
Best regards,