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New SM and want to get it right. Any advice?

SM2Bof3's picture

Hi. I've just met a guy who I really like. It's been just a couple of months but this relationship has potential. I have an 18 year old son who lives away at school. He has a two sons 6 and 4 with his ex partner and an oopsie baby with an ex girlfriend who is just a year old. The ex partner cheated, used and manipulated him and he 'dislikes her intensly'. The ex girlfriend and he had already broken up when she discovered she was pregnant. They have a good parenting relationship. His three children live about ten hours drive from where we live. He visits about once a month.

I had no intentions of dating a guy with young kids. Im in my early 40's. I don't plan anymore bio kids either. But, after a succession of awful dating experiences I have found something that could be really good. I'm not trying to get ahead of myself, I just want to start out doing it right. I'm looking for solid advice as I don't want to go with my intuition and get it wrong.

Right now my role seems to be supporting him and listening to his gripes about her. He has valid reason to dislike her but some things he says I see her perspective. She's a b***h but she is also raising his kids. He doesn't have any concerns with her parenting. His kids are happy and healthy. So far I've taken that position with him and gently pointed out where she may have a point while agreeing that she really has 'done him wrong'.

I'm wondering are there any books that are highly recommended? Does anyone have any advice for me?

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

I agree with It is not a good sign when your BF gripes to you constantly about the kids BM. You are his girlfriend....not his therapist. It is not your role to support him or defend her. He visits them once a month now...where does he stay when he is there? At the BM's house with the two older kids....with the exgf with the baby? Have you spent any time with the kids? What about when they are older and can come to stay for extended visits at his house? Will that be your home by then too? What if he decides he needs to live closer to them so he can be more involved with sports or school activities for the kids as they get older? Are you willing to pick up your life in 2,5,6 or10 years to move to that town with him? What if he gets full custody one day of one or all three of them? For whatever reason. Are you willing to be that involved in parenting again? Or are you looking forward to some time to yourself now and then being a grandma one day to your sons children?

It is a lot to think about. Are you willing to share him with these two other women? Because they will be part of the equation because of the children. Forever. Not just till the kids are 18.

It is up to you to decide. He may be a great guy. But griping to you about the BM is a red flag in my book. You feeling like you have to support him and play the mediator role is a red flag. I once dated a guy for 10 months. He had three teenage boys. This guy griped constantly about the BM and all of his ex girlfriends prior to me. We would be driving somewhere and out of the blue he would say this place we were passing is where so and so ex crashed her car or whatever. Why did I need to know that? I didn't. We were dating. He needed to be present in the moment with me. Not living in the past. Btw he also lived in his parents house( they had another home but still used this one seasonally and still had all there stuff there, he had the use of his bedroom and the house but it was not really his house). Red flag.
Up until the day we broke up he was telling me he loved me....we were practically living together with him staying with me or me with him. Then he met someone else and it was over. No warning to me. Just over. I was blindsided. Cried for about three days.
Did I mention he also got a DUI during the time we were dating. Crashed his motorcycle on a back road....called me to come pick him up. He was an alcoholic that hid it when we started dating.
I am so thankful now that I am not still with him.
If I had looked at the red flags that kept popping up I would not have dated him as long as I did.

People are who they are. Can't fix 'em. Can't change them. If you are already having doubts about this relationship then listen to them.
Back off, take it slower....don't see him exclusively. What do you do on the weekend he is off visiting his kids and their moms? Sit home alone wondering what he is doing?

"The only thing the wrong man can do for you is keep you from meeting the right man for you."

SM2Bof3's picture

Wow! Thank you so much to you all for responding. I just sat down with a cup of coffee to take a look at the forum not expecting to have any responses yet. I am so thankful to you for taking the time to give me so much help, advice and guidance. Thank you.

It's so early in the relationship that I feel a bit 'fatal attraction' in considering years down the line. But these children are here, they're not going anywhere and I have to consider them and me. I feel like I am wearing two hats. I'm cautiously optimistic about this man, I'm enjoying my time with him and want to spend more time getting to know him. I've been dating for over two years now and have gotten a feel for what I want and need from a man. He's doing well so far. I'm attracted to him. We have shared interests and hobbies, similar family backgrounds, shared values, sense of humor. He's not perfect, but neither am I. He is a kind, caring person. His situation isn't ideal for him or for me but I would like to see if we could be happy together.

I've had conflicting advice on whether to stay and see or to run and hide. I'm inclined to stay and see. I do see these children as a blessing. I'm not wanting to have children in my life myself but it would be nice to be partly involved. I can see myself enjoying that. Although if things progress then I will maintain my own home. If he did end up having his children full time that would be okay but I don't have any desire to be an equal parent and be living in the home.

I have considered finances. I'm okay with the things we can do being limited because he pays child support. I never got any so my thoughts on that are I glad someone is. I have a job and a house and am doing okay financially. I have no desire to mingle assets or income. He has a decent income. He has a career that suffered through the recession. He moved here because he was out of work, couldn't find employment and lost his place to live. He worked seasonal and minimum wage jobs but ultimately couldn't support himself or his kids on that. The industry he works in is picking up now though and opportunities are likely to be opening up back where he was living. He may move states in the future and be near his kids again. I would be willing to move. I have no ties here and I've moved in the past. I know I can do that part.

I'm a natural mediator and it's difficult for me not to step into that role. I will be extra careful about that now. He doesn't continually bad mouth her. He mentioned something she had said and I saw a different perspective. She did mess him around. He was never who she really wanted. She is with that person now. She married her true love and the father of her first child. But, my son's father did worse and I don't hate him. Ultimately she is their mother, he chose her, he lay down and made babies with her and he is now stuck with her forever.

This is all new to him too though. He's away from his children. They have a father in the home. When he visits he picks up his two oldest and they stay in a hotel. The mother of the youngest comes over with the baby. I have no reason to believe they are stilll getting together but he and I haven't made a commitment to each other yet either. The way I see it that's about him as a man. If he's a cheater he will cheat regardless. She isn't who I should be watching.

He's there this weekend. I'm taking the opportunity to get a few things straight in my head. He is coming straight here on his way home and spending Sunday night with me. We live two hours apart and I thought it was nice of him to ask if he could come here. It's an extra couple of hours drive for him. I thought it was considerate of him to still make time to see me. He's also quite smitten with me. Lol.

I'm off now to order the Stepmonster book. Thank you in advance for your replies.

jumanji's picture

Just remember - you are only getting one side of the story. The truth is somewhere between that and her side.