" MY Mommy Does This and That!"
I know. This is a common one here but it is getting under my skin because of BS1. I really don't want our son to learn/hear about SS8's BM and what she has done, did, who SS8 "thinks" BM "knows" in our neighborhood, etc.
BTW, This home was once occupied by lazy BM and DH. Poor SS8 is so confused.
Examples: "My mommy cooks this, my mommy used to do that here, my mommy and I went for walks here, my mommy and I blah blah blah."
I just don't want BS1 growing up with all of this confusion. I shrug it off and ignore it hoping that SS8 will eventually just stop it comnpletely.
That would be rude to an 8
That would be rude to an 8 year old, IMO. Remember, this is a young child.
Hey! I love honesty. Don't
Hey! I love honesty.
Don't think that doesn't go through my mind too. I want to scream, "Your mom is a gold digging old ugly nasty whore who fucked up and ditched your dad just thinking she could get rich by marrying a doctor and now karma is kicking her nasty ass, now shut the f- up kiid and get real here!"
Doesn't mean I say that out loud though.
@ InactivistMama You're
@ InactivistMama You're right in many ways. I do pick up on the vibe of, " I want my mommy and daddy back here, at THIS house together", and I find it VERY disrespectful that someone does not say "something" about it. DH "ignores" it BUT, I'm going to start giving him the "left eye" w3hen his son starts this lip smack in front of us, his wife and baby boy. I'm sorry but I really can't stomach any more. The kid is 8, he knows what he is doing and someone has got to teach this kid some common "manners." I don't give a flying fuck what his mom did, does, whatever. As far as I am concerned, she TREASHED this house and abandoned it in DH's name. DH took care of that shit quick and either marks out her name, }:) }:) }:) OR had her dumbass sign a quit claim deed and added me as an authorized party to this mortgage. His mom is one nasty creature and it took us a WEEK to clean this place up before we moved in, just to be half way clean.
Anyways. :O
Why do you think SS is
Why do you think SS is confused? I don't get that from what you've posted here.
I think it's pretty common for kids to talk about their parents like that. I had bios after I had SD, and there was never really an issue. My kids grew up knowing who BM was and her relation to SD.
My SS is 19 and STILL does
My SS is 19 and STILL does this. Not sure of a way to stop it.
Again, SS8 is confused
Again, SS8 is confused because this is the house in which he was brought home to, after he was born with his two parents. BM and DH divorced when SS8 was then, only 3 yrs. old, BM was awarded this home, met sugarstepdaddy, moved him in when SS8 was then only 5 years old, BM abandoned this home and moved out of here with sugarstep and SS8. See? He does not know up from down.
He needs to hear, in a nice way that he has a "new" home with BM AND his stepdad. I bet the kid has not a clue to where he will live next.
My Skids used to reminence
My Skids used to reminence about their mom and dad's life together until I finally said. "We love your mother because she's your mother, however,those things were a long time ago and very hurtful for both your parents. Why don't we focus on now." That worked until they were older and now I just say, "...I don't really care what your MOM does."
Yeah, I could understand it
Yeah, I could understand it at 7 or 8 years old, but not that much older. That would be a different story all together. :O
DH and I took this house
DH and I took this house back, a year ago, FYI. BM has full custody of SS8. SS8 comes over when either he or his mom feel like it. Normally, every Sunday.
At least he's doing it out of
At least he's doing it out of confusion.
My SK's (now mid/late teens) have been pulling that shit every single place we go in this city since I met them. Note: DH and the BM divorced when the SK's were 2 and 3...
SK:"Hey Dad, remember when you, Mom, and us used to come here to eat as a family?"
SK: "Hey Dad, didn't you and Mom bring us here when we were a family?"
SK: "Oh, I remember this place. You and Mom and us two used to come here as a family all the time."
How they could remember a restaurant they visited a couple times when they were 1 and 2 are beyond me. I know they couldn't, and I know my DH found it just as annoying as I did and he told them to stop it.
Myself and my SO repeat mommy
Myself and my SO repeat mommy doesn't live here so it doesn't matter or no one cares what your mom said our house our rules. They are 5 and 6 and guess what we don't hear my mommy crap so much anymore
Next time SS8 is opver here
Next time SS8 is opver here and is "alone" with evil SM... I'll tell him that his mom does not live here and never will. I'll be evil and say to him, "Your mom was soooo dirty here and then she brought in (sugar step daddy) and took you away to your new squat. "
Tell Daddy to quietly tell
Tell Daddy to quietly tell the boy that what his mother does or does not or used to do makes you upset and to stop. The boy will want to know why and the typical male response of "That's the way women are" will do.