My Experience --
I'm both a Bio Mom and step mom. I think that even though I don't give my BD(babydaddy) any problems I am still seen at the crazy baby mama, which is very far from the truth. On the other side, I do deal with a crazy, lazy, scummy BM, Her sons (3) have been living with my DH and I for 9 years. This crazy bitch has caused so many problems for these kids and still does.She left when the youngest was 6 months, still breastfeeding. Fastforward to 2013, she tells them their father stole them - yeah Right, these boys have given me shit from day one thanks to their crazy mama, but at the end of the day we all as step moms have to have more patience, it really isn't the kids' fault -- it's a combination of a lot of things -- so we all need to take a deep breath and try to give these kids a good family life -- I KNOW IT'S SUPER DUPER HARD considering all of the extra shit we have to take - but at the end of the day it's about the kid's well being - Thanks for listening. Have a wonderful day!
Wouldn't it be nice if the
Wouldn't it be nice if the crazy BM's would just go away? Honestly, that would solve so many problems for everyone!
I agree, it isn't the kids fault. And it is up to us, as parents and adults, to set the example and give all we have got. Too bad it just doesn't work out that way for some. Sometimes kids are just beyond help, beyond being able to be loved by their step parent. Not the case for me but it is for some. But if you can stick in there and make it then it is worth it.
And I am not judging anyone for how it turns out! As long as you try then that is all that anyone can ask!