Moving issues
My husband and I met after divorces in our hometown. I chose to move back to the state where my children were because it was not going well and they needed me there. He chose to move there (12 hours away) leaving behind his 2 boys whom the mom had full custody and after 2 total years of dating we married. For the last 8 years we have had my 2 children every other week and because of difficulties with his 2 boys' mom and finances/work schedules/unforeseen circumstances he ultimately only saw his 2 boys 1-2 times a year with one visit longer in the summer. His 2 boys had issues with his divorce for a long time because of their mother per psychiatrist report and which I knew and my husband favors the youngest so long story short it was always a bit stressful when they came to visit but we made it and I tried letting them have time with their dad etc.
The plan was always to get my daughter (my youngest) graduated and then we would move where we wanted. We discussed moving to our home state where his sons were but my husband never said "that's what I want to do". In fact he was happy over the years exploring parts of the coast, dreaming etc. Unfortunately I had to have foot surgery 1.5 years ago and it's been a life changing event for me. I can no longer work and am applying for social security. We have sold and lost everything. The pandemic hit and jobs have been hard to find but my husband applied everywhere across the u.s. He got a job not quite on the coast but 2 hours away it's hard work but he was excited for it and started 2 weeks before move date. 1 week from move date after I was upset with him he stated he wanted to move back to home state. We talked and he agreed to try it and I agreed to go ahead and move there. 3 days after move I knew something wasn't right and asked him if he was going to move back home. He said "I don't know". Now we've moved, we have negative money and he was so cold to me I just left and went to my parents. He says he wants to move there to go fishing with his nephew and go to his youngest (16) baseball games (because he feels guilty he went to all my sons and helped him) and be by his family. Moving by his family was discussed in December but I told him I really didn't want to and couldn't physically. He said nothing more til this move. Our other 3 kids are 18 and 2 almost 20 now. He states he always thought he would have a few years with his youngest and told me we still have 1 child to raise. My foot requires a lot of attention and care as I have nerve damage and just started walking and can't feel part of my foot after 3 surgeries. I'm concerned moving back home I would be in an extremely rural area, not have help even though I have some extended relatives I really don't talk to much and the weather is cold and icy 5-6 months a year, cloudy and depressing and I'd be stuck at home with no car while he works, roads are bad for travel a lot and financially he would make less and we'd have to live in his sisters basement down the road from his ex til we could afford to live on our own. I know that's a lot but I'm wanting straight up honest opinions on if I'm being irrational by putting my foot down and saying I refuse? He has been wonderful in helping me other than his temper tantrums at times and I do really love him I just don't know if I could physically and emotionally do it as I'm exhausted.
It doesn't sound like this
It doesn't sound like this move is something you want, would be bad for your healing and it is not financially viable.
If you say no will he go without you? Can you take care of yourself if he leaves? Have you tried to get a work from home position?
He says he doesn't know what
He says he doesn't know what he wants to do. He says he feels he has to choose between me and his boys which I would never want but I just don't think our marriage would survive all that Iowa brings and I would not be happy. It would be extremely hard. I can stay with my parents til I get social security income and then a small place of my own. I can get around but I should be by family in case I needed help.
I'm totally confused - he got
I'm totally confused - he got a job 2 hours from where you were, then you moved to your "home state", but now he wants to move "back home". Help me - is "back home" where the job is, or 2 hours away from the job? Did he quit the job? Are your parents in "home state" or "back home"? Is his family in "home state" or "back home"?
Sorry if I'm being dense.
It is a bit much and
It is a bit much and clarification is needed...
Apologize. Clarification: Hometown = Iowa, where we lived for 8 years = Dallas, TX, new job = Austin, TX. He didn't say he wanted to move to Iowa until he had been in new job in Austin for 1 week. He's there now and I'm back in Dallas area with my parents. I dont know if he will move back without me. He says he doesn't know what he wants to do. I can stay with my parents until I get social security income then get a small place. It's not what I desire but neither is Iowa.
So he quit his job after
So he quit his job after having such a hard time finding one?
Where do you want to live? Also, are you unable to work even in a job where you sit all day?
Yes because of swelling. I
Yes because of swelling. I tried an at home job and was tied to the desk and unable to walk around some like my foot needs. Even in a part time status. He hasn't quit the Austin job yet but is thinking about it and wants to.
So you are aware, this is
So you are aware, this is considered a disability and any job has to offer you "reasonable accommodations" - and walking around a bit during your shift would be considered reasonable. Though I am well aware that it's a hassle to make people follow that and they can just refuse to hire you to begin with for some other reason.
Yes, and they didn't care. It
Yes, and they didn't care. It was all about numbers and quotas and because my mind doesn't trigger as fast on my nerve pain medications it's just not going to happen although I loved the social contact with people etc and would happily work if I could. By the end of an 8 hour shift I was ready to scream in pain and because I don't have a bsn I'm not qualified for most jobs in my field online.
The bit that sticks out for
The bit that sticks out for me is your foot. Not sure what's wrong with it to require surgery to begin with but I can tell you that it doesn't matter what you want to do. Your foot will decide it for you. If the icy temperature says to foot "here lies agonizing pain", foot will want to walk away from that pain. You may move there with the intention of staying but one week into winter will have you regretting that move. If your husband cared about your comfort he would consider that too.
Yes, this - and while I'm
Yes, this - and while I'm aware a lot of Iowa is rural, do you have to move to an extremely rural part of it? Could there be come compromise of moving at least to a more populated area?
And - hard thing to hear - but do you think this is his way of walking away from the marriage?
Sadly I questioned that
Sadly I questioned that myself. I even asked him and he never responded but diverted to something else. I've never questioned his love or dedication to our marriage until this. For the last 3 weeks he has been angry, cold, yelling, I slept on the couch a few nights before I finally just left and told him to do what he wants. I asked him what triggered this and he said he saw a picture of his boys and nieces and nephews and he realized how much he missed out on. We could possibly move somewhere not as rural in Iowa if he could get a job but I'm afraid he wouldn't be happy and would just be gone longer in his free time to travel to his family and boys and I would be home alone more. My foot swells easily in the car and then increased pain and walking is limited. He will want to hunt, fish, go to games and it will be difficult for me. But where we are now he can do all those things and I can travel short distances and do in good weather, not ice and snow. In Austin the job pays better and he can save for travel of them down and him up there.
It's one thing to look at a
It's one thing to look at a photo and wish you had your place in it. But the sad reality is most photos have people posing with their happy face on. 1, they're probably not as happy as they look. 2, He'll never get back the time he missed out on and if he hasn't been a part of their lives he's basically expecting them to let a stranger tag along to everything. Not gonna happen.
Seems like all you do is what
Seems like all you do is what you are doing - give him some space to sort this out. Sorry, must be hard.
Thank you for the responses.
Thank you for the responses. That's what I'm trying to do. And it is hard...
Because the core relationship
Because the core relationship seems troubled, I think it would be a mistake to move anywhere with your H at this time.
Things have been difficult recently, and he seems to be having some sort of existential crisis. You're trying to make rational decisions about big things weighing pros and cons, while he is in meltdown mode, very emotional, and letting guilt control him.
Based solely on what you've shared, I think your best option is to let go with love. Tell him you love him deeply and appreciate all he's contributed to your marriage, but know he wants to be with his kids and realize that your health problems are holding him back. Give him your blessing to go back to Iowa, and let your marriage drift for a while.
Your H may find that his dreams of home - reuniting with his kids and enjoying the simple things - may not jibe with reality. Just like the theme of Thomas Wolfe's last novel, You Can't Go Home Again, the idyll your H pictures doesn't exist any more. He may find that his sons ignore him, his sister's basement has mold, he can't find work, and BM calls daily to berate him. So make the decision to not make any permanent decisions about your marriage right now. Let him go and work out his poo, while you take care of you, and see what happens.
This smells like a wishy
This smells like a wishy washy ball-less man problem. Quit playing his games. Tell him what you are going to do and do it. He can join you..... or not. An 18yo does not require raising. It is too late for that.
How much In Social Security disability
Will you get ? Will it be enough to live on. In two years you will get Medicare to pay your medical bills.
Going to Iowa, being in a basement. Having to do stairs to get out is not going to help your foot.,or will there be any help for you when he out playing with his kids. Who, may not want to have anything to do with him after not being there for so many years.
I think if he does go to Iowa. He should go by himself, then first should get a job. Second get an house / apartment what handicap friendly. Then you decide if you are moving there with him. I would not just go there with out anything definite about living conditions. Maybe he can " go with the flow". But you can not in your condition. Wate to see if his Happy Family is real