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Insecure SD8 causing stress and problems

georgia4's picture

I am BM of 2 and SM of 2. SD8 is VERY clingy to me and my BD10. SD has no contact with her BM except occasional letters. SD is openly jealous when I even sit with my bd. SD8 is very insecure and always wines and fusses about everything.I am going nuts. What do I do.

alwaysanxious's picture

Well, I am not sure what advice to give, but I saw now was has responded to this. I have a friend who has a stepdaughter that does similar things. She really needs a lot of attention. I think for her, its because she is the center of attention at her BMs house. then when she is at her dad's (and my friend the stepmom) she has to share her attention with others. She's just not used to it.

SInce your SD doesn't have any attention or bond with her BM, she is now using you as a replacement and her replacement is already taken. It must be hard for her. I can only say that patience and communication will be helpful. Maybe a counselor or your church can be a helpful place to turn?