I feel for us.
Some of these stories I could have written myself. Do you feel you've tried so hard and only get judged. People think you're horrible because you can't stand your sc. I've read numerous articles and let me tell you it's normal to feel this way. My current situation. I'm at my mom and step dads because ss11 decided he was going to beat on the wall after I'd got the baby to sleep. This has happened every visit lately. My hubby said it was an accident. Yeah ok. So every time was accidental. The night he was sick and slammed the toilet seat so loud you could hear it outside was an accident. He slammed it all night but didn't mean it because he was sick. HA I told my hubby nobody was going to scare my baby. That I will not tolerate it and he needs to open his eyes.
An "accident"? He needs to
An "accident"? He needs to get his head out of his arse. I'd stay at your mom's if I were in your shoes.
An accident, he says? Aren't
An accident, he says? Aren't you tempted to take a skillet, whack him upside the head and say "oh, sorry dear. It was an accident"?
I can hear my mom's voice in
I can hear my mom's voice in my head. Once is an accident. Twice.....
Judging? If people want to
Judging? If people want to think I'm horrible, have at it. I spend zero time worrying about how or if people judge me.
That is the BEST part of aging.
Find happiness and peace, and who cares what anybody else thinks.
I so agree.
I so agree.
My own sister passed judgement on me, once, regarding my oldest SD (who I rarely refer to, here, because she has been estranged for a loooooong time). My sister did not know enough details to know what she was talking about, but whatever. She has her own issues so I just let it go.
Maybe I will go to hell because I'm a bad person, but I'm not going to hell because of what kind step mother others perceive me to be.