I can not effing stand my three yr old step daughter...there I said it
:jawdrop: I can't stand the little brat...she annoying rude selfish...she is so bratty constantly crying over anything... I hate the fact that I feel that my bf favorites her over our 6 month old. I'm tired of him and her I just want to leave him and I wouldn't miss either of them. She's an ugly little brat just like her mom. :o I feel so bad for saying these things but it's true she's so manipulative and at such a young age I hate that my son is always in trouble cause of her u can't even look at this chick with out her crying and it's always my sons fault. ( i have a 7 year old) He gives her mom over 400 in child support a month I've told him to get it reduced since at the time the support was established he didn't tell the court I was expecting. It's so irritating that meanwhile shes getting over 400 I have not been able to afford to buy my baby new clothes. Ahhhhh!!!! I hate it I hate life and it's all my fault for gettig involved with someone who already had a child knowing my child would always come second...I just don't want to feel like this anymore Leavig isn't an option right now since I'm waiting for my green card I have no income and wouldn't be able to make it with two kids. I'm such a loser I want to make it work I dot want to be the girl with two baby's daddies...:(
I so feel your pain and I am
I so feel your pain and I am in the same situation with my boyfriends 4 year old son. It is SO hard and if I ever do leave, I will NEVER get involved with someone who already has kids!
Hang in there
Posts like this make me think
Posts like this make me think I am right when I am considering leaving him.... I totally agree if I leave I will never get involved with someone with kids either..
Maybe try to be overly nice to her and you can influence her personality since she is so young?
First of all, you are not a
First of all, you are not a loser.
Your step daughter is only 3, so her behavior can (hopefully) be turned around but it will take her dad actually parenting her.
A lot of men do not interact well with babies. They are afraid of them or bored with them or whatever, but when the babies start walking and are really able to play, it usually changes.
Have you talked to your BF about your feelings and about the 3 year old's behavior?
Hang in there. Maybe you are also going through a little postpartum depression?
You are not a loser! Everyone
You are not a loser! Everyone makes mistakes and I am also one of them! I wish I had never gotten involved with a man with a child, I can't STAND my SD, just the THOUGHT of her drives me absolutely insane! I have been contemplating divorce for a WHILE now. The good thing is I don't have kids with my DH. If I were you, I would not get married to this man. Of course, he will always have to be in your life in some way because you share a child, but you don't have to be in a relationship with him. You and your kids deserve to be treated with respect and appreciation! Screw him!
normal feelings. these
normal feelings. these families SUCK.
Sending good thoughts and
Sending good thoughts and prayers for all of you and these innocent children, who didn't ask to be from broken homes. Hope you can find it in your heart to shower them with love and calm and a steady routine for them to thrive and grow.
Same with my BF's kid...his
Same with my BF's kid...his parents were married for 9 years, his mother DECIDED to cheat and sleep around so SHE is the reason for the "broken home". Skid is 11, so he KNOWS better, right from wrong, and he is STILL an annoying dink.
I am sooo fed up with this "broken home" "poor skid" bs. That is EXACTLY why these skids act like spoiled, rotten, selfish, entitled brats...because their parents and other people act like it is the end of the world that these kids come from "broken homes" yeah, it may not be their fault BUT it is STILL no excuse for them to be and act the way they do ESPECIALLY if/when they are old enough to know better!
Seriously, what GOOD has/does making excuses for/enabling someones bad behavior ever done for anyone??!!
Exactly! My sons father is
Exactly! My sons father is not involved in his life at all. Could give a fuck less about him, just pays cs. My son has never known what it was like to have his father in his life. And my son is JUST FINE!!! Now my son is 9 and he wants nothing to do with his father and that was/is HIS choice!
My son is great with my BF and vice versa. They have a great relationship, you would think they are father & son. I would never allow my son to disrespect my BF. I am not a Disney mom, if my kid acts like a shithead, he will get put in his place and my BF also has full authority to discipline my son and correct him. THAT is what these step-relationships should be like so these bratty skids and their bs doesnt cause any drama or bs in our relationships!!!
innocence versus full on
innocence versus full on manipulation- you can take your pick, I personally don't believe that all these kids are innocent angels.My SD was only 5 when I met her and the most spoiled brat you can imagine.She knew excactly what to do and say to get what she wanted.Not so innocent.
I agree! MOST of these skids
I agree! MOST of these skids KNOW full well what they are doing! The parents need to give these kids ALOT more credit than thinking that their kids would NEVER do that or act like that without a reason or an agenda...
Kids learn VERY early, they aren't as "dumb/innocent/naive" as we would like to think/believe they are...look at babies...they catch on quick too..."If I cry loud enough Mommy/Daddy will run to pick me up or feed me" etc. they may not all know what they are doing BUT they SEE what works to get the result they are looking for and keep at it to get what they want when they want. PERIOD.
My skid is a complete fuck
My skid is a complete fuck up. No bio momma, nobody addressed all his needs at age 2 when they should have: (Autism, motor coordination disorder, vision problems, kidney problems, etc.) now i'm married to Dh and have to clean up everyone else's messes. I can't stand the kid, i wish BM would get off her heroin and methadone and come claim him and take him far, far away. He's a thorn in my side on EVERY level At least of we got $ for him every month that would help. do not feel bad. 95% of us DO NOT LIKE OUR SKIDS, they MAKE US MISERABLE. You are not alone!!!
EXACTLY!!! 90+% of these
EXACTLY!!! 90+% of these skids are NOTHING but spoiled, selfish, manipulative, entitled, brats....they are the bane of our existence and we wish they would fall off the face of the Earth! Life and our relationships would be so much better if they ceased to exist...seriously!
Probably...feelings are
Probably...feelings are feelings. We all have them and are entitled to them whether others like them or agree with them or not is irrelevant. This is just how some of us feel it may not be "nice" but it is how we feel.
We ALL have these moments/thoughts...even if they aren't as dark/vicious as others...
I don't expect you or anyone else to understand these feelings alot of us have....it is what it is.
I love that you used Bane of
I love that you used Bane of our existence! My SD was a pain in my butt 5 years ago when I met her - and she just gets worse. She goes out of her way to be irritating, and yet we have to be so accomidating to her. When she says im coming over, we change plans -- when she doesn’t come over I listen to my grown husband pout.... I just wish once it was fair across the board. When my kids make a mistake you would think they are being held responsible for the release of the atom bomb -- when she fails yet another class --- for the 4th year in a row... we look the other way.... my husband is so guilty that his baby moved out and went back to live with her mom -- that he kisses the ground she walks on. I won't let her ruin my marriage - I just make it unbearable while she's there

I love that you used Bane of
I love that you used Bane of our existence! My SD was a pain in my butt 5 years ago when I met her - and she just gets worse. She goes out of her way to be irritating, and yet we have to be so accomidating to her. When she says im coming over, we change plans -- when she doesn’t come over I listen to my grown husband pout.... I just wish once it was fair across the board. When my kids make a mistake you would think they are being held responsible for the release of the atom bomb -- when she fails yet another class --- for the 4th year in a row... we look the other way.... my husband is so guilty that his baby moved out and went back to live with her mom -- that he kisses the ground she walks on. I won't let her ruin my marriage - I just make it unbearable while she's there

I love that you used Bane of
I love that you used Bane of our existence! My SD was a pain in my butt 5 years ago when I met her - and she just gets worse. She goes out of her way to be irritating, and yet we have to be so accomidating to her. When she says im coming over, we change plans -- when she doesn’t come over I listen to my grown husband pout.... I just wish once it was fair across the board. When my kids make a mistake you would think they are being held responsible for the release of the atom bomb -- when she fails yet another class --- for the 4th year in a row... we look the other way.... my husband is so guilty that his baby moved out and went back to live with her mom -- that he kisses the ground she walks on. I won't let her ruin my marriage - I just make it unbearable while she's there

Hahahaha! Seriously 90% of
Hahahaha! Seriously 90% of skids are the "bane of our (sm) existence"!!!
When my BF and I get married and skid disgraces us with his presence there are only two options in my book: ignore his existence or make his visits suck so he won't come over again and BF can do daddy time elsewhere :sick:
I really can't stand my skids
I really can't stand my skids either. I love my DH so much and he wants to try and help his kids learn to be better behaved but just the thought of them being here brings me down. I just withdraw whenever they are around. They are so obnoxious.....NOTHING like I would have raised them to be. At first I tried to love them but the more I'm around them the more I can't stand them. It's like they are wild animals with no clue about any social etiquette at all. And they are old enough (11 and 6) to know better but they always look at us like we are so mean to expect them to be respectful to others.
I know that feeling all too
I know that feeling all too well. In the beginning my BF, skid/11, my son/9 and I all used to spend alot of time together, til the day the fat shit gave me an attitude and that was IT for me! From that point forward I told my BF I wanted nothing to do with his fucking kid. So when he has his visits I am NOWHERE to be found! I don't even want to see his face, hear his voice, etc. I AM DONE!
My BF knows how I feel, he understands and accepts my feelings and choice to steer clear of him and doesn't hold it against me. And thankfully my BF is not one of the "Guilty/Disney dads" either...or else we DEFINITELY wouldn't work out!!!
I understand your
I understand your frustrations. I have never had a son but I do have a daughter that is 4 and she whines, cries, manipulates throws tantrums etc perhaps it is in the gene pool for girls to be more emotionally reactive than boys. With that being said, does your BF help out with the baby at all? Maybe your feeling a little depressed because you just had a baby and maybe your bf isnt giving you the kind of help you need.
I think parents should treat their bio children equally, a baby needs more attention than a 7 year old. Im sure you treat your sons the same. When my daughters father had a new baby, my daughter had a hard time adjusting to the sibling and she still gets jealous over her sister(her grandparents told me) but whole heartedly loves her.
As for the child support being lowered I was worried about that being reduced as my ex continually nickled and dimed me, even tried to steal her child tax benefit etc. I read somewhere that the courts in Canada(but really its up to the judges discretion), "the courts work from a base assumption that separated or divorced parents should not have more children than they can afford to support.(http://www.ottawadivorce.com/forum/f3/can-support-reduced-if-i-have-anot...).
Your not a loser for having 2 kids with 2 different fathers, theres quite a bit of an age difference between your older son and younger. With your BF not so much lol. SO that should give you some relief.
Everyone deserves a second or a third chance to be happy. Try to go to the gym, get happy. Kids are challenging and manipulating and sometimes we as the BIO Parents cant stand our own at times.
Start to do stuff for you and ask your boyfriend for more help, raising kids is harder than anyone ever told me! Good Luck!
Not to be rude but he didn't
Not to be rude but he didn't hide the chid until after you got prego did he? The child is 3. I had two of my flesh n blood kids act like that at 3 with constant correction! Baby daddy didn't have whole lot of time between BM #1 and BM #2. That's a lot of change for a toddler. New mom like person, step sibling, and a new half sibling. My four kids are 2 yrs, 15 months, and 3 years apart it was always hard when the new baby came home. So the behavior is normally to a degree and lots of changes to cope with.
I'm part of the 5% that LOVES
I'm part of the 5% that LOVES my skid.
I do. I make damn sure to see it from my ss's view and from mine. I'm lucky his bm is a waste of space and hasn't been around until recently (to file for sole custody despite not seeing her son for a year). She lost, of course. We are pursuing me adopting him.
I can't even fathom my life without my husband or my ss. When I chose to be with my husband - I knew he was a package deal. PERIOD. I didn't come into the picture with me vs my ss. Seriously, get over it.
When you chose to be with someone who has a kid - YOU CHOSE IT. Stop pouting and whining. Leave or adjust your attitude. Period.
I had a wicked stepmother - trust me, I see both sides.
A 3 year old only acts the way you let them and demonstrate to them.
The original poster: You're not a loser, but you need to grow up. You chose to be with this man knowing he had a kid and you chose to get pregnant with this man. Suck it up and be a woman.
All 3 year old are annoying at times, but that's where they're at developmentally. Your baby will be 3 someday too.
I dont think OP is actually
I dont think OP is actually compalinging to the point of having people tell her to 'suck it up'. Yes we all knew DH's had kids when we got with them but everyones situation is diffenret in the sense that some DH's step up, some play disneyland dad, some DH's just pass on all the raising of the skid to SM.Its hard and you dont know how its going to be until you are well and truley in the middle of it. Throw in having a new born, isnt that enough to push you over the edge?! A 3 year old is difficult, bio, neice, granddaughter whatever, they are hard. The HUGE difference here is that the SD is not hers and motherly instict is to look after your own.No matter if you love the SD to the end of the earth and back, you will always love your bios a million times more.
Everyone goes through the phases of wishing skids would just drop of the face of the earth but they won't. the only thing to change the situation at home is with DH. He needs to parent SD better and be a better husband and dad to new born.
May I suggest that your DH takes SD out for an afternoon a week, just one on one. She probably is craving attention from her dad and feeling left out-shes a child. Then he can speak with her and correct her behaviour outside of the home environment. Tr and do things all together as a family and correct her behaviour as a unit. Does DH back you up when discipling her?Honestly it sounds like an attention thing from her and maybe it may be from losing you too?encourage her and be overly nice to her but strong at the same time and she might feel more secure in her role in the family.
lol whoa, very relatable to
lol whoa, very relatable to my situation. My girlfriend has a 3 year old boy, who I can't even stand looking at because of the way he acts(whiny, controlling,too attached). We are planning on having a baby of our own in the future and what you said concerns me. That he favors his kid over yours. Now me and my girlfriend have talked about this. I told her "I think you are going to always have preference over your kid than ours", but she always say no, don't worry about it. What things does your husband do or say that make you think, he favors his kid(s) over yours?
Same here
I feel you- my 3 year old stepdaughter is horrible as well. She hits the pets and my stepson. She wants all eyes on her every second and there is hell to pay if you don’t. She screams and grunts at you if she can’t have her way. Everyone always tells her how perfect she is and laughs off her behavior by saying she’s “just sassy”. I’m the only one who disciplines her. Although lately my husband is trying. She was a baby when we got together and didn’t act like this then (obviously) and I don’t know that I would have gotten married had I known she’d be this bad. The sad thing is, her mother acts the same way, so I don’t see her “growing out of it” any time soon.
My philosophy is you should
My philosophy is you should be able to parent a child who will is living with you. Especially with animal cruelty, you have full rights to come down on her HARD with an intimidating, severe tone that you do NOT treat animals and other people like that. Take her shit away and make her go on time out and let her cry by herself. Restart the time-out every time she gets up even if it takes 5 hours. Since she's 3 she's still moldable. Doing this consistently can really shape her personality. I would tell the damn SO that he better back you up because you are not tolerating bad behavior in your house. Not just that, but all kids should be treated equally in the same house.