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How to handle discipline issues

Ayla86's picture

I am brand new to this site, I looked it up and signed up because of today's incident. Hopefully I am posting in the right section. My stepson just slapped me across the face. We were looking at baby pictures of him (he is Dirol and I said how cute he looked and that's when he slapped me. When my kids do anything that isn't even close to that bad they get a punishment. All that was said to him is that he shouldn't slap me. I don't know how to approach this and I am hoping for some advice from people that have had similar issues. 

Ayla86's picture

He is 8. It changed it to an emoji 

dysfunctionally_blended's picture

This isn't a discipline issue, it is abuse! 

How did your DH handle that? 

No way should you have to endure abuse in your own home. Let alone from a child! 

ndc's picture

I wouldn't think that a verbal reprimand is a sufficient consequence for an 8 year old who hits an adult.  Is there a history of poor parenting here?


blayze's picture

Ask your man what he would do if another grown man slapped you for nothing.  Would he report him to the police? Slap him back? Scream and threaten him?  

If my man let ANYONE, specifically someone he takes care of and pays to live, hit me and all the jerk gets is a “talking to”, my “man” would no longer be allowed in my bedroom nor in my heart until he appropriately punishes the little sh!t who slapped me.  That’s just bs girl!  I’ve dumped men for lesser offenses. 

What in the world goes through these fathers’ heads, and why in the world didn’t you go Godzilla on both of their asses? 

amyburemt's picture

There is no way an 8 year old slapping his SM should be tolerated and on this you stand your ground. If you don't discipline him in other areas, this is one area where he should be, by you, so that he understands this is completely unacceptable. There should be a swift consequence for this because this will lead to worsening behavior if he is allowed to get away with this. 

TrueNorth77's picture

100% not ok. I would be ADAMANT with DH that he disciplines him, and it better be punishment worthy of slapping someone. He needs to learn real quick that hitting anyone is not ok, much less his SM. Your DH SHOULD understand and do something about it, but if he doesn't, I would do it myself. He needs to know you are not going to take that crap from him, before it becomes a pattern. And if your DH doesn't discipline him, that is a whole other issue, because THAT is also not acceptable.

He married you and put this child in your life- you did not sign up for abuse.

Rags's picture

Time for some ass whuppin on this 8yo's soon to be stinging rosey red butt cheeks.  That your DH didn't beat this toxic spawn but good tells me that daddy needs to grow some balls.

Since daddy has no balls why didn't you turn him over your knee and blister his butt?

If that kid was in my home or my parent's home he would not be able to sit for a week and would have spent every spare moment of everyday of that week standing in a corner with his nose in firm contact with the intersecting planes of the walls until his legs collapsed and when he stood back up.. .back to the nose in the corner.

Grrrr!  This just makes me angry... more towards the lack of adult parenting than even toward the toxic 8yo crotch dropping.