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How can we stop this??

BamaMom's picture

My fiance and I have been together for 3 1/2 years and living together for 3 years. He has a 7yr old son, I have a 13 yr old son and we have a 2 yr old son. The only one that lives with us full time is our 2 year old. His son and I have beed around each other since he was 4. My Fiance's ex is a first class "B". She has convinced her son that he does not have a brother. She tells him that my 2 year old is taking his daddy's time from him, causing him to be so jealous of our baby that he is starting to resent him. She also told him that I am the reason she and his daddy are no longer married (they have been divorced for 4 years.
What can we do to help his son learn to deal with our relationship and his accept his brother when she is telling him all these negative things??

Pantera's picture

It doesn't sound like he is going to listen to anything you guys are going to say. Maybe family counseling?

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

Mich811's picture

that is truly terrible. i agree with counseling. i also think you should try to include your fiance's son as much as possible and maybe give him some alone time with his dad, doing something special that the two of them will really enjoy together. i find that alone time helps my dh's kids feel more adjusted and less threatened.

BamaMom's picture

We have always made sure that he and dad have alone time. The thing is, my fiance' and his son go either fishing, boat riding, or hunting (depending on the season) almost every time he comes down. Just the two of them. Last week, she tells my in-laws that SS is feeling like daddy doesn't want him.
He has been playing baseball for 3 years. We cannot even get a schedule for his baseball games because she does not want me or my children there. (and we pay for 1/2 of registration) Yet, she allows her boyfriends to attend his games. Then she tells SS that his daddy didn't want to come to his games.
We brought up counseling to her - she says that he doesn't need it, its all OUR fault anyway.