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How can I....

WileyMama's picture

I am engaged to a guy, and we have a 5 month old son together.
He has a 4 year old son from a previous relationship, and we get him on weekends.
(Friday night, take him back Monday night)

When we get him, the entire weekend is spent taking "us" to do "fun stuff."
(Kid stuff)
He doesn't ask my opinion about what we can do on the weekend, and I don't feel he takes me into any sort of consideration. It is only and always about what his son wants, or wants to do.
He gives him $5.00 allowance every week for "cleaning his room" (which I sometimes end up having to do), and I (finally) convinced him that it would be a good idea to try to teach his son how to save money, so that he can put it towards a larger goal (instead of silly toys he breaks within an hour). If we go to the store and his son sees a toy he wants that is more expensive, he will tell him "You don't have enough money for that." But he buys it for him anyways. When I say something about it to him, he says "I felt bad. The look on his face!" This makes me want to throttle him.

Anyhow, when we go do all this "fun stuff", my role is pretty much to push the stroller around and hold all their stuff so they can do "fun stuff." Great, lovely and fine. But why is it that when I say I am thirsty, and ask him to buy me a beverage, he says "You REALLY want that? I would much rather get THIS." Ok but wait.. I said *I* was thirsty. I didn't know I had to drink the same thing you want to drink. Wait... Why do I have to do that? Huh?

He basically makes me feel like an idiot who is in the wrong for being thirsty.
So his son can buy expensive ass toys and get milkshakes and ice cream and candy and whatever the hell else he wants, but I cannot get a coke for a dollar.

Side note: We decided as a unit that it would be better all around if I became a SAHM once I gave birth to our son. I don't have any income, or sway over how any income is spent (save for groceries, which he has to approve.)

So more to the story (I know this is all really random, but these are just a myriad of things that either piss me off or concern me.) My fiance will say some pretty crappy things in regards to his son's BM (such as "I don't care what your mother said, she is wrong." "This isn't your mom's house." "I know your mother thinks it's ok to be a moron, but that doesn't mean I am going to let you grow up to me illiterate and dumb.") For some reason, I find it a lot easier to stand up to him on THAT than I do my own problems with him. I can EASILY tell him (in private, of course) that he is being a dickhead and doing more damage than good by saying those things.. And that while neither of us like the BM, he should really shut the hell up about anything negative he has to say about her until no child is around to hear it. He doesn't need to hear that kind of crap.

Oh! And during the week, when it is just him, myself and our 5 month old son, he will NOT help with our son. He will hug him and hold him for (literally) one minute. As soon as our son makes a SOUND, he says "Ok I can't deal with him." and hands him back. If our baby cries, he says "Shut the hell up!" and gets all pissy about him crying. But when his first son cries, he is instantly right there hugging him, holding him and looking for a boo-boo.

These random things are making me resent (and honestly, despise) his four year old.

I don't WANT to resent the kid. He really is a good kid.

I need some pointers and/or advice with this. What can I do???

I appreciate the help!

WileyMama's picture

One more thing:
I FULLY realize that it is jealousy I am feeling.
The green-eyed monster is slapping the shit out of me with all of it's slimy might.
I can even see WHILE the jealousy is taking place, that it IS jealousy, and irrational.
Well, at least I can see that it is irrational to ever take it out on the kid. The kid really is great, and I love him. I wholeheartedly feel that his dad is going to be the culprit in the kid ending up being a terror. I dearly love them both, but I really would like to throttle my fiance.

folkmom's picture

so you are focused on a jealousy of the kid.

maybe you need to turn your focus onto the behavior of your hubby. because his behavior is the problem, not the kid.

then, ask yourself- why do I put up with this treatment?

WileyMama's picture

That is what I am asking for advice with. I can't seem to talk to him about it.
I don't want to be jealous or resentful of the kid. I know that dealing with the problems with my man will help resolve that. I just don't know how to go about fixing it.
Last night, I finally broke down and told him that I feel like he has no regard for me, and that he treats me as if I am stupid. He turned it into me being in the wrong for telling him about "your problems after I have had a shitty day. Why can't you ever talk about it when I am having a GOOD day?!"

I replied with "When we are having a good day, or just not having a BAD day, I don't want to mess it up."

"It is more easy to be wise for others than for ourselves. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld"