Furious with the lies....
I have posted a few times about the problems I have had with my SD but I don't think I have mentioned her lying before. We have got into the habit of talking through issues which had made things a lot easier. A couple of weeks ago she came and told me her mother was hurting her, we had to involve child protection last year when her mother had bruised her. I was horrified with the things she described - being grabbed round the throat, having her hair yanked, being violently prodded. We sat down and discussed it with her dad, my fiance. We decided we would leave it a couple of days while we decided what to do i.e. talk to her mum, go to child protection etc. My fiance spoke to his solicitor who advised contacting child services, so the next time SD and SS were at our house we called child protection. I then had a weekend of being used as an emotional crutch for sobbing distraught SD, terribly concerned her mother wouldnt love her any more etc. BM denied all harm and the children went back. The beginning of this week my fiance and BM took SS for a hospital check up, they always do these together. While there my fiance asked BM if she wanted to discuss what had happened, she did. She denied again all harm and then told him of the abuse we had been accused of by SD. Apparently I have taken SD shopping then just left her in the middle of the supermarket - I have not, I did walk about 2 metres away from her when she was being such a spiteful little brat I was starting to cry but thats about it. She has also told BM that we regularly send her to her room to chill out for several hours at a time. We don't we send her for chill out telling her to come down when she has thought about her behaviour - normally around 5 minutes.
I am absolutely furious with the lies she has told about us, we have no idea now whether or not BM has harmed her which means I also feel bad that we have acted on SD's word rather than discussing with BM. BM and fiance have agreed that in future they will discuss all such "stories" as soon as they occur. However, I cant seem to calm down. I refused totally to see SD when she was due a visit this week. I have to see her tomorrow but I hate the thought of it. I have told fiance I am not prepared to take her anywhere on my own again but he does not think that is the right thing to do. He believes that he and her mother have said they are drawing a line under what has happened so far then so should I. Problem is having had a difficult relationship with her for months to suddenly be let down and lied to again by her I am not prepared to be forgiving. Quite frankly I would be more than happy never to lay eyes on her again, I find her lies abhorrent and almost evil. We made it quite clear to her when she was asking us to ring social services about her mother that doing so could cause her mother to lose her job (her profession involves working with vulnerable people). She said she didnt care she just wanted it to stop.
Anyone any tips on how to deal with my anger as as much as I currently loathe the little I do love her dad and her brother so for their sakes I need to at least be able to treat her in a reasonable manner.
wow your in my shoes
I have been through the same exact things with SD. SD would tell us extreme bad things about her mother as well as her school and cps always got involved. The lies havent gotten so bad and even started including MY FAMILY, that I put a stop to it all. I told DH I will not put up with all the lies, that I just cant do it. The lies hurt everybody so badly and beyond repair. He told BM she needed to take of of the kid for awhile. Maybe her own mother can fix her maybe not. Who knows?
The worst part of all these lies started damaging my children. I have no clue what the future cards hold but I do know I will not let anyone hurt my children, family or me.
We tried to have a united front with BM but it seemed we where the only ones bringing up the lies and being truly honest.
I wish I could help you and give you guidance.
Your Story Makes Me Wonder...
...why she feels she needs to do this? I could understand if she disliked living with BM and she may make up a story in order to get away from her but why alienate both families? Im sure it is an attention seeking manuever but it makes it hard for me to imagine either way. My SD has told her mother lies about me being mean to her before but it was almost encouraged by BM with prompting questions such as..."Is she being mean to you" or "You dont have to go to Dad's house if she is being mean to you". My immediate reaction when I started to read your post was that she was telling you that because she thought that was what you wanted to hear. Is it still possible that she thinks you/DH hate BM and vise/versa? Maybe she feels that she is gaining something by playing you against each other??? What kind of a relationship do you and DH have with BM?
Ignore it.
I would ignore anything she says about anyone else. "Really? That sounds horrible", and drop the subject. If she askes why you don't react tell her the truth. "Because you've lied in the past".
Also ignore all lies she tell about you. Simply don't respond to them. If the BM accuses you of something based on her lie simply tell BM that the child is lying and there is no point in discussing it further. Repeat as necessary and don't discuss it further.
Once this attention getting device no longer works she'll abandon it. Keep the solution simple.
There's an exception to everything I say.
thanks for the advice all.
thanks for the advice all. BM and DH have an okish relationship, they don't argue and they are polite and pleasant in front of the kids, pretty sure they dont like each other at all but its not shown in front of the kids any more. When they first split they did. I have never said I dislike BM, BM and I have not met we have avoided situations where that could happen. She doesnt like me and has told the children, in the past, she does not want to be friends with anyone who speaks to me as she blames me for the end of her marriage. BM does speak openly about me and as far as I know she is not derogatory about either me or DH and has not been for around a year. We also do not, and never did, make derogatory comments about BM. DH and BM have discussed the lying and decided in future every accusation will be discussed as soon as possible after it is made. SD has been told this is going to happen. She has also been told she will be punished for every lie she tells with loss of bedtime extension time. I am not a particularly forgiving person though so I am having a hard time with the forgive and forget request from DH. As I have said in another post due to these lies, and a dislike of the child, I have refused to take her anywhere without her father any more.