Disrespectful Teenage Step Daughter
So I won't go into too much detail, but my step daughter LASHES out at me when she' sin trouble. I've been forced to be the bad guy, while her dad is on the road then comes home to play super hero.
She cusses at me, tells me she hates me and that everyone else hates me, she tells me she wants to go live with her real mom (who has no legal rights to her anymore), She NEVER does what I tell her and ALWAYS does what she's NOT supposed to.
When her dad comes home I'll ask him to deal with it and all he says is that he "wasn't here when it happened, so he can't get onto her" Really? Because when she was acting like this with a TEACHER he chewed her butt up! I'm pretty sure he wasn't there when that happened. So she can't disrespect her TEACHERS but her STEP MOM is a doormat? I feel Loved!
He expects our boys to respect him, he expects HER to respect him, but they don't have to respect me. Her behavior is now rubbing off on the younger kids. My 7 year old will tell me he doesn't want to live here (where did he hear that?). And my 5 year old once told me that I'm not his mom and can't tell him what to do (where did he hear that?) Funny thing is that I'm the biological mother of all 4 of the boys.
I know this is harsh, but my blood pressure literally does rise when she alks into the room. 4 years of this crap has been more than enough.
Here are the things I've tried:
Heartfelt talks
Writing her letters
Taking things away
SPANKING (Yes, I have, it didn't work)
Taking her places to be away from the other kids for a bit
Letting her stay with her grandmother for a week or 2 (all that happens there is she is allowed on the internet against what I told her, she eats junk food all day, stays up all night and sleeps in all day, goes out when she wants to where she wants, has no responsibilities, etc.) The internet thing is not ,e being a jerk. She has been caught SEVERAL times online talking to older guys, so she is on a STRICT RESTRICTION for internet. She has parental controls now, and if it doesn't involve homework, she's not allowed on it.
I don't know what to do at this point, honestly.
I understand WHY she acts this way...
Her mother didn't care about her, left them for DAYS with sitters, didn't keep food in the house, then lost custody of them
Her first step mom (I'm step mom #2) dropped her off at daycare one day (she had been in her life for about 3 years) and never came back. She had taken her son (my step daughter's baby brother) and ran to the state her parents live in
Her older sister (7 years older) comes in when she wants/ needs something then disappears again (now she has a baby and my step daughter is heart broken that her nephew was taken from her too)
Her grandmother lets her do what she wants, but my step daughter can tell she doesn't like her
My sisters in law act like she is the ONLY "bad" child in the family, though honesty, her cousins make me appreciate that she is simply defiant, not into illegal things
Basically females haven't treated her very well, and I DO understand that. But I Love her, and I've been here for almost 5 years (longer than anyone else) And I'm not leaving. I know WHY she acts out, but it still shouldn't be happening. How can she expect me to want to be here if that's how she acts? A 15 year old has to have some kind of common sense in there to know that if you treat people like crap they won't like you. No, I DON'T LIKE HER, I Love Her, but that does NOT mean that I have to like her... I don't really like any of my kids a lot of the time (again, harsh).
I don't want this family torn apart over this; I have FOUR boys who have never known anything but my husband
OP why are you continuing
OP why are you continuing watching this child on behalf of your DH when he is disrespecting you?!!!
Seriously, if his excuse is "I didn't see her do that because I was not here..." then a simple resolution would be in response to that "ok, so I am good enough to do everything for her except respect and you will not discipline her because you did not see it? Fine. Then I no longer will be responsible for her while you are NOT here and instead YOU either look after her or you find someone else to be responsible for her during your absence. Perhaps then, if you WERE here more you would see it as you would be on the receiving end of it and actually I am no longer going to enable you to continue washing your hands of parenting your DD and the fact that as a consequence my own children are mimicking sd's behaviour towards me. I will not longer accept this, your excuses and this situation so time for YOU to find a resolution as I am out!"
Absolutely... If she is not
Absolutely... If she is not there without dad then he will be there to see it. Problem solved.
Well, my heart goes out to
Well, my heart goes out to you. It sounds like there's a million reasons why she acts the way she does, but I can't help but ask if there is a big reason missing? Your DH leaves for long periods of time then doesn't support the discipline structure that YOU've put in place. I don't know if that will work. You and your DH will need to get on the same page at some point about what the rules are, what the consequences will be, and what she can expect to hear as a response from the both of you regardless of whether he was home to see it or not. At no time should any adult responsible for a child be treated less than they treat a teacher, a neighbor, or daycare worker.
While not a conventional suggestion, and if he needs proof (though he should trust you and it says a lot that he doesn't), record her with your phone while she's laying into you one day so that he can listen when he gets back. If the two of you can not agree on those three things, then you may need to disengage - step back. Then you can let your husband and your SD know what you need to have happen in order to re-engage. You don't deserve to be anyone's punching bag or doormat without your permission.
I am sending good energy your way, and hope this helps.
This dynamic is such a
This dynamic is such a horribly sad yet incredibly common theme in step families. It boggles my mind.
Hello and welcome! This is a
Hello and welcome! This is a very difficult problem to solve, but basically you need to find state or private agencies that deal with at-risk youth and convince them to place her in a residential facility ( could be a group home, could be some alternative school). She is out of control, and there are 4 other children in the home. Do not wait for her to discover illegal drugs. Find something like Advocates for Children, your county mental health program that works with kids at risk - i do not know what is available in TX, it may not be much, but there are people out there who can help you - it will probably be your job to find them.
She needs to leave, learn how to cope with her emotional turmoil by not taking it out on others, and then she can return once she is able to follow the rules of your home. Not addressing the problem more aggressively right now will only make it harder to deal with the issues once they become even more entrenched.
Good luck! I feel for you.
I haven't got any answers,
I haven't got any answers, just sympathy. I had a silently rebellious 15 year old SD in residence rather than an openly defiant one - by which I mean she was rarely rude to my face but snuck around breaking rules all the time. I also had a husband who often chose to let things go or give her the benefit of the doubt even when I felt strongly that something needed to be done.
I understand the tension and anger and frustration which increases until you start to feel uncomfortable even being in the same room. I got to a point where I would be filled with dread in the hour before she got home from school. And I started out both liking and loving her! Even at the end I had a lot of sympathy and affection but I couldn't live with her any more, not least because DH and I were in conflict over how to address her issues. The stress was affecting my ability to parent my own small children - I was taking things out on them by being short tempered and over emotional because I was so overwrought about SD. I was lucky - she was able to move back to her mothers house, I don't know what I would have done otherwise.
Regardless of any rule breaking that might occur at GM's it seems like it might at least give you a break if some weekends/weeks could be scheduled at her grandmothers on a regular basis. Or if DH could take her away for father daughter weekends/weeks. Other than that it seems like all you can do is keep rules to a minimum and hope she eventually sees the light and grows out of it.