Can you disengage from a SD who lives with you 100% of the time?
My SD is 7 and doesn't know her biological mother and probably never will. She has been raised by her father and his parents as the only grandchild in family spoiled to the core. That is, Until we came along (3 years ago)me and my 2 daughters, ages 7 and 8. We have them most of the time.
Sorry - thought that i was
Sorry - thought that i was saving for later instead of posting. I think this question deserves a little bit of backstory. So yes, we are a unique blended family. We practically have triplets, all with their unique personalities:) Good things are I don't have to deal with a DM and I actually get along great with my Ex so no issues there. But my Sd's defiant, rude behavior is driving me insane and it seems to be getting worse as she gets older. Not only that but I see a lot of bullying towards my children and Im just not sure if this is a healthy situation for anyone at this point. I suppose this situation could be dealt with if my DH and I were a "united" front on parenting or if he would just follow through but he doesn't. My bio girls are not perfect but they at least show compassion and people like to be around them. My ex and I have always been on the same page with regards to discipline so their expectations are no different at his home than here in our home. SD has got DH wrapped around her finger. She is constantly testing boundaries, mean, negative, and starting to show a lot of manipulative behaviors even at this young age.
my DH and his parents, I believe, hold a lot of guilt that her mother is no longer in the picture and don't discipline like I would.
I agree but how does the
I agree but how does the disengagement process work if I am usually the one with her all the time (besides school).? I think she might be too young and I probably should get out while I can. This has caused sooo much tension within our family. And it's really unfortunate because I have had to be disciplinarian from the start which prevented us establishing a healthy bond in beginning. And then I'm also worried about how it will affect SD if another mother figure "abandons" her.
And believe me, I have talked with my DH about this, and it's like talking to a Brick wall. We have been through tons of therapy with virtually no progress, even our Christian counselor is stumped. I know the problem lies in my DH and not in my SD ultimately. Disengagement is my only option besides divorce. I can't be the only one who cares to do anything. My DH and his parents are in complete denial about how serious this situation is despite many warnings from doctors. She actually has mild brain damage from when her mother did drugs in utero. Another big reason the guilt comes in. They stress consistency and follow through, they also recommend daily cognitive therapy and social skills classes. My DH acts like she doesn't have any issues. If we don't acknowledge it, it's not there kind of thing. I can't live on planet denial , don't know the language. I see this adversely affecting my biokids and it's breaking my heart and dealing with day to day is driving me crazy.
I have the SD living with me
I have the SD living with me full time and funnily enough if I look back it was about the age of 7 onwards it began! If I could do my time again I would have definitely dictated what I was and wasn't going to do. Being earth mother to a child that isn't yours does not work. The father has to take the responsibility of their child. If you put yourself in the position of being her mother you will end up being the hook that blame gets cast on and you might as well lie down and let them tread all over you now. It's easier to start as you mean to go on than to try and unravel the mess later. Definitely begin to disengage from her it will stop her playing your husband and you off on each other, something they get a massive power kick from!
Well done you for starting to sort this out now, before she gets her claws in and makes your home a misery!!!
Why on earth are you subject
Why on earth are you subject your kids to this? They should be your first priority. Move out and date him. I'm not saying my kids never ever got bullied, but it didn't happen on MY watch!
Its becoming clearer and
Its becoming clearer and clearer what I have to do in this situation, but I am still torn. I feel like a divorce needs to be thought out and planned for (financially, logistically) and so I am praying that either a miracle is going to happen, or that I will receive the patience to deal with this the next 4-6 months as opposed to just walking out.
My biggest struggle is that this is my second marriage and I promised for better or worse. I do believe that God put me in this child's life for a reason and as bad as it is now, I think she would be way worse if I had never intervened. Now I also want to state that SD can sometimes be pleasant and polite, she sometimes draws photos writing how much she loves me (writes mom in the drawings but never calls me mom), and often talks sweetly about her sisters to my DH and his parents. Bi-polar or early signs of manipulation?!
This behavior is why my DH finds it hard to believe that she is malicious, that and it's HIS child. He says sisters fight, its normal to have sibling rivalry. but I see it for sure and so does our counselor. The more I make it an issue, the more I am blamed for being sensitive, being too rigid with rules, and playing favorites. However, I don't expect anything more or less than I wouldn't expect from my bios. She acts out, lies, sneaks, talks back, complains, or just plain ignores me on an hourly basis. I even have friends that will not bring their children (same age) if SD is around.
I also feel like jealousy plays a big part in her behavior. She is jealous of my daughters because they are extremely close, they have many friends, and genuinely love each other. When together SD constantly tries to leave one of them out. and sometimes because of her behavior, she is left out on things. Even though it has been explained many time, she doesn't grasp consequences. She firmly believes that it is my DH or myself who excludes her from stuff and not the result of her behavior. She plays the victim role, everyone is out to get her and so mean to her. And that SHE is the victim of bullying from my bios. and I think DH believes her half the time.
The last thing that is extremely concerning to me is that SD acts different in almost every situation. She is very anti-social and quiet and school (she is classified as Emotionally disabled because of her past problems with school), very bossy with her stepsisters, somewhat compliant when I am the only one around, Needy and whiny around her father, and totally reverts back to a 4 year old with her grandparents! I know this little girl needs help and she probably needs a lot of love from me. But after the crap she has put my children through and the manipulation, i just don't have it in me! I don't even like to be around her! And I feel like ultimately this is eating at my soul as a person. I don't want to be angry all the time! I think it takes a very special person to take care for a child that's not your own in any capacity and we all should give ourselves a pat on the back.
I really feel sorry for my SD, the DH will realize soon enough.
And if you're in that state
And if you're in that state of mind, what kind of mom can you be to YOUR kids? We only get them for 18 years, hell, my 2 oldest went to college both of them at 17. Do you want to piss away your kids childhoods in this untenable situation?? Edit: I feel for your SD, I do, but she is not your responsibility, your kids are. No WAY would I trap my kids in this mess.
I haven't read any replies.
I haven't read any replies. All I know is this child has no mother. She shares her father with two girls who are of no blood relation. What did you think was going to happen. Honestly? Why didn't you expect this dynamic? So now you want to disengage? She has to watch you and HER father dote on the other girls while she's been cut off? I'm sorry, but this angers me. If you can't at least treat this girl as a daughter - the way DH undoubtedly treats YOUR daughters, then take your children and let this family be.
I think you ought to read the
I think you ought to read the backstory or replies before you comment something that strong. My DH and I do not dote on each other nor does he dote on my daughters. I came into this relationship with the best intentions and 100% willing to be the mother that she never had. I simply use this forum, to vent, not to be criticized for my feelings. Don't comment if you can't even take the time to read what's written.
Set the household rules for
Set the household rules for the kids, all of them, and enforce them on all of the kids consistently. DH steps up, parents, and disciplines as your equity life partner and equity parent to all 3 girls or he can STFU while you do it. He participates equally or he says not a word. Period.
As for the toxic Step Spawn .... time to give your girls the message that bullies are not to be tolerated. The message my parents gave to my brothers and I was that we were to be pleasant, well behaved, respectful of others, and nice until it was time to not be nice then we were to take care of business. Bullies had no chance. When they bullied they felt more pain than they were dishing out. PERIOD!!!
When SD bullies and one or both of your two has had enough and flattens her nose, fattens her lip, or blackens her eye the Skid will get the message and very likely will never risk bullying at least the one who knocks her silly ever again. The other one may have to do the same to SD before SD pulls her head out of her ass and knocks off the toxic bullying crap.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.