Skids In Your Kitchen
I'm trying to get used to have a skid around. She has a habit of helping herself to other people's property. We put locks (with keys) on bedroom doors and closets, but there is not much I can do with my fridge. She gets into the fridge and wastes food, puts her unwashed hands on lunch meat (takes what she wants while touching other slices), drinks out of containers, and other things. You can sometimes see her hand prints or greas on the handles. I've told her countless times to let me know when she wants something, or I lay stuff out for her. She's 12. Her dad works until 10pm, and when he gets home she's sleeping. I know this may seem small to some, but I like to keep my kitchen clean, and not have food wasted. Has any body had a similiar experiance? Have a great weekend.
That would drive me nuts! I
That would drive me nuts! I was lucky as my SD was pretty timid and did not usually help herself to my refrigerator and cupboards.
Maybe her dad can have a talk with her about it but it sounds like she has some issues. I would've been resentful if I had had to lock everything up in my own home.
My SD is 12 also. I have
My SD is 12 also. I have some similar issues with her regarding food and drinks. She always wants to get the BIGGEST cup she can find and fill it up with Coke or whatever. She usually drinks about half of it, then leaves the cup sitting around. I have found her cups days or weeks later, with mold growing in them. Disgusting! She also always pours way too much cereal and milk in her bowl, eats maybe half of it. I too hate wasting food! I always feel resentful when she eats food I have bought, especially food I've paid for with child support I receive for BD15. (DH and I have separate accounts.) I often wait and go grocery shopping on Sunday evenings after she goes back home to BM's house....
We had ss19 live with us for
We had ss19 live with us for a yr full time while he was 17-18 and he never ate with us, he'd wait until we were in bed then cook his own food. He would burn things, leave greasy pans all over and garbage behind micro, in sink and all over except in the trash can. He was a slob from hell in his room too, peeing in bottles and hiding evidence of his nightly food eating by stashing leftovers in hiding places and me finding it when it was growing maggots. I finally kicked him out but he did move back in twice more but I kicked him out twice more. Now we're moving into a smaller house. We tried everything, even put padlocks on the fridge and doors but he'd get the bolt cutters or hack them off with big tools. Once he unscrewed the fridge door and took it off to get to the food and by morning all the food was spoiled. We had locks on our bedroom and master bath doors and he would break in with screw drivers and steal prescription pain killer dh was taking and sell them at school. We'd buy food and store it in our closet but he'd break in. I finally started buying one days supply of food on my way home from work every day, and hand out snacks to the other boys each morning until he started going into their rooms to steal from them. He took my son's birthday money of $100 last yr. Oh I could go on and on and on. It's NOOOOT easy having a skid in your home who does not respect boundaries.
That kid is not welcome in my home anymore.
Ewwwww so gross! My SD is the
Ewwwww so gross! My SD is the same way, always in other people's things with her dirty little hands. She's only 5 so I am trying to put a stop to that crap before it really gets out of hand. Maybe your DH could get SD her own foods and you could make one of the refrigerator shelves hers and tell her she is only to touch the stuff on her shelf? Have your DH get her her own thing of lunch meat that way she will keep her nasty hands off of yours.