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Only now problems are arising? normal?

beth27123's picture

Hello all,
I have been a step parent to my boyfriends three children for around a year now. He has them weekends and some of the holidays. Two daughters 6 and 7 and a son 2. Things with the two youngest couldn't be any better but things with the eldest seem to be deteriorating week by week. It started with a few nasty kicks which both bf and I ruled as rough play that she has with her father, bf Sat her down and told her kicking me is not acceptable so that stopped...two months later and were onto emotional upset from her, she has told her sister I couldn't be bothered to buy her a present (when I had already just hadn't given her it) and then gone on how the present was rubbish. Her younger sister fell in the shoes I had bought so who's fault was it? Mine for buying her rubbish shoes.
Is it just jealousy or are the two linked? Bf and I are solid but I feel silly making a fuss. I just don't take to emotional digs very well :(.