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Disneyland dad

Drama Rama's picture

Does the Disneyland dad complex ever go away? My SO has a 4 yr old son who doesn't respect him - hits him, bosses him around just no respect and it kills me to watch this. To me he's great! Which really surprises me, could this be cause he's never put his foot down with him and spoils him and I don't? I understand he doesn't see him often but that's reality is it not? He'll never see him as often as he'd like but is that a reason to slack on your responsibilities as an adult and teach him values and such? Anyone else having the same issues? When I bring it up I'm the bad guy and should stop telling him how to raise his kid!

mylife10's picture

I agree with Echo 100% , that is what I saw with my SO. The guilt dad is here to stay. And I have seen it never goes away, at least not in my case. That's why its time for me to go.
Im so sorry you are going threw this....Best wishes to you ,and stay strong!

Drama Rama's picture

How long have you been in your relationship? Do you have the kid/kids full time?

Orange County Ca's picture

Daddy has two choices. Continue the way he's going and earn a lifetime of disdain from the kid. Yes lifetime.

Or risk a few years where the kid cuts contact with him because the kid rejects his discipline but almost always returns when he sees that tact doesn't work.

So lose him emotionally forever or lose him physically for a few months or years.

Below is a link to a search I did on for some books on the subject. If he's a reader pick out the one or two you think is best.

Slick Vic's picture

My SO is a Disney Dad also. I have only realised the extent of this since he recently moved into my home, and SS3 stays over two nights a week. I am horrified by the complete lack of rules and discipline related to meals and bedtimes in particular but also to everything else it seems! It's making me feel trapped as they only just got here but at times I just want them to leave. I also want a child of my own and do not want them to brought up in this "anything goes" fashion. I am not inspired by the comments that this does not get better, only worse, but at least I know what I have in front of me if I choose to let them stay.