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Your mom and his ex - BFFs???

2Tired4Drama's picture

Boy, I heard a good one recently. A woman I know told me that her DH's ex wife is now BFFs with ... get this, her own mother! I can't even imagine.

She said when they first were married and the skids were little, her mom wanted to be inclusive to her DH's two kids - treating them like her own bio grandkid. That's certainly commendable.

But over the years, the ex has slowly inserted herself into a relationship with my friend's mother. It started with notes saying, "Thanks for the gifts to my kids" to then sending the ex gifts at birthdays and holidays. Now they talk on the phone regularly and my friend's mother has actually stated that she considers the ex wife "a good friend."

Of course the ex has nothing to do with my friend - just her mother!

Good God. I cannot imagine how I would feel if my own mother would become friends with my SO's ex.

She asked me for some advice and at first I was stumped. It appears as though the ex wants to keep connected because she is no longer married herself and the skids are adults now. This interest in my friend's mother is a duck-blind for keeping an eye and interest in the ex.

I really wasn't sure what to say to her - other than have a very candid conversation with her own mother and tell her to try and look at it from her perspective.

BSgoinon's picture

Tell your friend to call BM's mom and see how she likes it }:) just kidding.

I think the problem starts and ends with her mom. She needs to have a heart to heart with her, and tell her how this makes her feel. It's her mom for crying out loud, she should be able to be honest with her. I would hope.

IceQueen's picture

Sounds like something my crazy ass mom would do - but she would do it to spite me.

The joke would be on BM though, as my mom is a certifiable looney toon!

herewegoagain's picture

Sounds like something my mother would do...She hasn't only because I never allowed them to meet. On the other hand, my father's cousin became buddies with DHs family although she KNEW when she met them that they made my life hell ALL THE TIME. She sees nothing wrong with it. She is still buddies with them from what I hear. Needless to say, I just stopped talking to her all together. Out of my life.

oldone's picture

If my mother were alive she would be kind and gracious to BM and never say a bad word about her - BUT she would NOT be friends.

My mother was that way with my ex FIL. He was a horrible person - cheated on his wife, etc. A true slime ball. My mother being the gracious person that she was refused to bad mouth him. I did not know until ex and I broke up that she also detested the man.