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Will this kid ever change her address???

momto3's picture

Shortly after the demon spawn..oops, I mean SD18 moved out we got a post card from the post office saying she was forwarding her mail. Great! Well I guess she's bleached her hair so much it's affected her brain cells, because she doesn't have enough sense to actually change her info at school or the college she plans on attending in the fall or even DMV I guess.

I got a phone call from her school today verifying if it was me that had called & left a message about allowing her to leave at 2:30. HA HA HA, not on your life, so I informed them nope, not me...must be her half sister that she lives with or the demon uterus that birthed her who she doesn't live with & is three hours away.

About 15 minutes later the principal calls me, leaving a message that they were unaware of the living shock there! I called her back & the school secretary got snippy with me & said they had gotten the information, assuming from SD of course. Oh I bet she gave them an ear full!

We are constantly getting stuff from the college she is planning on attending, which I conveniently throw away. Several days ago we even got the parent form to fill out congratulating us on her acceptance. LMAO! That one made my laugh so hard.

I wish she'd got off her lazy tail & change all that's been 6 months for crying out loud!

herewegoagain's picture

W hy does it come to you if it was changed at the post office? I'd get her new address & take a few more cards with any different names she might have used and change it again.