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Why "Background Noise" (aka: nagging) Doesn't Work.

Not-the-mom's picture

I see a lot of posts where stepparents are frustrated with how out-of-control their stepkids are. I really think this link might help you get some tips and strategies to handle them.

I have found this site very helpful, and I hope you do also.

sandye21's picture

I totally agree with what is said in the video. Now I can see that there was never any consequences for SD when she was rude or spiteful, not even acknowledgement of it. No charcater building what-so-ever. The speaker did not talk about the cooperation between parents so that everyone is on the same page as far as punishment for bad behavior but he did bring up a very important point: You can not ignore bad behavior then be angry when you dish out the consequences. It would be interesting to hear this speaker's thoughts on step parenting.

Not-the-mom's picture

Unfortunately, they don't seem to have any video clips on the subject of stepparenting, but if we all contact them and plead our case, maybe they will do some. Biggrin