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Maybe There Is Hope?

Not-the-mom's picture

Saw this article online.....
"How Americans Are Rethinking Prosperity" - see link below for full article.

One thing in the article that really surprised me was where it said...

"Cone has seen friendships end because 'their business coaches said that's not the right circle to be in.' Although she has received similar advice from coaches focused on building wealth, she wants no part of that now."

No wonder so many of our young people are so messed up! I have never heard of such a thing. I guess I am just too sheltered. Blum 3

So, does this mean that our skids see their "daddy" (or mommy) as a "wealth building" (aka: what we can get out of them) relationship instead of a loving one. I am sure many do see it this way. :O I think my skids have been approaching their relationship with their father (and yes their mother) this way.